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Carefully, I filled the bean hopper. I’d always loved the sound of the beans falling into place and the heady scent that wafted up. Over the years I’d become desensitized to the scent, so it was one of the rare times I could still smell coffee here in the shop.

There were still fifteen minutes until opening, and after the storm, I expected a full flock of Mermaids at nine. It was an all-hands-on-deck kind of day, but I was down a pair as Rose wasstillin Georgia. Thankfully the part she needed for her car was finally in, and she promised to be back at work by Saturday at the latest.

I was grateful I had Ava here to help out. She still didn’t fully know the ins and outs of the shop, but she was a quick learner and a hard worker. But I hated having to rely on her so heavily, because she still didn’t look well.

I wanted to scoot in close to her, feel her forehead to check for a fever. “You feeling all right?” I asked.

As I asked the question, Donovan’s voice filled my head, saying,I’m worried that you’re being weighed down by helping everyone else.

I shoved his words straight out of my thoughts. I couldn’t stop being who I was. I couldn’t stopcaring. I was worried about Ava, and so help me, I was going to wrap my tentacles around her if I wanted to.

“I’m doing okay,” she said. “But I do want to make surethere’s nothing more serious going on, so I’m going to call a doctor later, once the office opens. Dez recommended her.”

I nearly slumped in relief. “Dr. Jackson?”

She nodded.

I tossed the empty coffee bag into the trash. “She’s been my doctor for years. She’s good. Better than most.”

There was a knock on the front door and I glanced up, hopeful. For the first time in forever, the hope didn’t come from the yearning to see my mama coming inside. I’d been hoping to see Donovan, even though he usually came in the back door with his deliveries. I hadn’t seen him since dinner the other night, and I was regretting the way we’d parted.

My heart sank at seeing Sienna looking in. She smiled and held up three bakery boxes.

“I’ve got it.” Ava rushed out from behind the counter. She hurried to the front door, threw the lock, and held the door open for Sienna. “Good morning.”

My head was starting to hurt. “Morning, Sienna.”

“Morning, y’all!” She set the boxes on the counter next to the cash register. “I’ve brought your bakery order.”

I pasted on the fakest smile I’d ever faked. “I appreciate it.”

“How do you like working at the Beach Mouse?” Ava asked as she came back around the counter.

“I like it,” Sienna said. “I hope they let me bake eventually. Seems I love baking.”

“Really?” I asked, my voice higher pitched than normal as I tried to hide my disappointment with Donovan’s desertion by acting overly excited. “Did you take Mrs. Pollard up on her offer?”

I pretended not to see the way Ava looked at me. It was obvious she knew why I was suddenly super cheerful. No doubt she had heard the gossip about Donovan and me that had zipped through town yesterday like it had been caught on the sea breeze and deposited on the doorstep of every single neighbor.

“Sure did. She’s been real kind about it, letting me use her kitchen to test new recipes. She says she fancies herself a baking consonant now. She’s thinking about having business cards printed up.”

I smiled, not even correcting her on theconsultantslipup. I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of happiness in her tone.

She went on, saying, “If you want, I can bring you by some Mississippi mud brownies to taste. I baked a mess of ’em on account of Mrs. Pollard and me are going to be selling them at her yard sale this weekend, so I have plenty. They’re nothing but chocolate, marshmallow, and coconut delight.”

“Ooh,” Ava said.

“I’ll bring some to you, too,” Sienna said to her. “I owe you, since if you didn’t catch that fire when you did, then everyone would be thinking I had something to do with it.”

“That’s really nice of you,” she said, “but I can swing over to Mrs. Pollard’s tomorrow and buy one.”

“Me too,” I said. “We want to support you.”

She headed for the door, saying, “But you’ve already done that, Maggie. If you hadn’t given me those measuring spoons, I never would’ve taken Mrs. Pollard up on her offer to teach me how to make those scones. I never would’ve realized what I’ve been missing. Baking just makes me really happy. So thank you. I need to be gettin’ back. See y’all later.”

Joy bubbled through me.

Ava said, “Seems to me, Maggie, the curiosities you find help others find happiness. That’s a real special gift.”
