Page 117 of Twisted Hearts

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Instantly, the terrace is flooded with men in dark suits and earpieces, whom I realize are Brooks’ security detail. But before I can even take a breath to scream, Gavan’s whirling, leaping off Brooks, and diving right into the thick of them.

My jaw drops.

It’s like watching a ninja fight. Or a vampire. Something not human that moves at impossible speeds and dodges every attack. He’s like one of those samurais in a movie, in the middle of five assailants who can’t even touch him.

It all happens very fast. One second, I’m staring at Gavan as he fights offfivearmed men. The next, he’s the only one standing around five unconscious forms on the ground.

He looks up at me, his gunmetal gray eyes blazing. Then he whirls, storms over to Brooks, and yanks him up by the collar.

“Where is it,” he snarls viciously into Brooks’ bleeding, terrified face.


“The recording. Where. Is. It.”

My eyes bulge in terrified disbelief.What? How does he…

Gavan’s face is grim as he turns to level his gaze at me again. He winds up and punches Brooks hard in the mouth, knocking him to the ground. Then he walks over to me, taking my shaking hands in his.

“Please forgive me,” he growls quietly, his jaw tight.

I shake my head. “For what?”

“I needed insurance,” Gavan continues. “I needed something to bury him with.”

He pulls a little device out of his pocket and pushes a button. I stare as Brooks’ voice and mine rattle tinnily out of a small speaker.

“Have you fucked him?”

“A hundred times. Gladly. Willingly. He’s good. Andhuge.”

“Maybe he’d like to hear you begging formydick. We’ll see if he even wants you once I play him that recording.”

The terrace goes silent when Gavan touches the button again. I stare up into his eyes, my face pale.


“Forgive me,” he growls again, his face pained as he takes my hands gently in one of his. The other reaches up and takes the emerald on my necklace between two fingers. He flicks something with his thumbnail, and when his hand pulls away there’s a little black dot on his thumb.

A surveillance bug.

“Please forgive me,” he growls quietly again. “I had to have proof on him. Please understand.”

Tears start to fall down my cheeks and I look away in shame. “I…I’m so sorry,” I choke. “It… It was years ago, and—”

“You have fuckingnothing to apologize for,” Gavan rasps with a dark edge to his voice that honestly scares me. He gently cups my face, tilting my head up to his. “Nothing,solnishka. Do you understand that?”

When I can’t answer because the tears are streaming down my face too hard, all he does is close the distance between us in a blink and sear his lips to mine. And it’s the best response I could have ever asked for. I sob as I throw my arms round him, kissing him as the past and the hold Brooks has had over me shatters and falls to my feet.

Slowly, Gavan pulls back. When he turns to a sniveling, bleeding Brooks, the look in his eyes is pure malevolence. He strides over to him and grabs him by the throat, making the spoiled little trust fund douchebag sob and bleat.

“I’m only going to ask you one more time.”

Gavan flicks open a blade and Brooks’ eyes bulge.

“Okay!” He sobs. “Okay! Okay, I’m sorry, okay!?”

“Where is it.”
