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“Again, the audit is over,” I repeated. “Plus, if you want to talk about evidence, he was only around for the first couple of days of the audit. Jim Tully was the one that saw to the rest of the audit after Rush had been called away on an emergency.” I looked in between the two men. “How could I have been acting inappropriately with a man that’d been states away?”

“There are many different classifications of inappropriateness,” Ward answered primly.

My body sagged against the chair. “You guys have a lot of nerve,” I swore. “Even with my stellar employment record with Jacobi Auditing, you’re going to call me in here and accuse me of violating company policy without anyproof?Never mind that your starwitnessleft early on the very first day of the audit to catch a hockey game. I mean, because that screams professionalism, right?”

“That’s enough, Landry,” Bryant snapped. “You’re lucky that we’re looking into just suspending you for a few days, rather than firing you for sleeping with our clients.”

That was it.

I was done.

Doing my best not to land myself an assault charge, I stood up, snarling down at Bryant Stanton, and I no longer cared if I ended up on the street. I was done working for this asshole. I was done letting him bully me and use me to get ahead. I was done with the piece of shit.

“Fuck you, Bryant,” I hissed.

“Landry,”Ward gasped like an offended grandmother.

“We both know why you’re doing this, even if no one else does,” I went on, ignoring Ward. “You’re incompetent, lazy, and a bully, and I’m not afraid to call you out on it. You are not fit for the job you have with this company, and you know it. So, rather than get a fucking clue and growing the fuck up, you’re sabotaging my career in an attempt to buy yourself some more time.” I leaned down in his face. “However, I have news for you, Bryant. Your fumbling around in the dark will only last for so long. Sooner or later, the truth will come out. It always does.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bryant spat as he stood up to meet me on even ground. “You’re just mad because you got caught.”

Even though I held no power here, and even though it was too early in my relationship with Rush to speak for him, I refused to let this asshole beat me. I refused to let Bryant Stanton believe that he was going to get the best of me.

So, looking over at Ward, I said, “How much do you think Jacobi Auditing is worth?” He looked confused for a second, but then his hazel eyes widened when he realized where I was going with this. “By the time I’m done with this place, I won’t be the only one dusting off their resumé.”

I stormed out of Bryant’s office before I ruined that perfect exit line with cold-blooded murder.

Chapter 16


“Mr. Crawford?”

“Yes, Flaherty?”

“Uh, there’s a Ms. Landry Novak here, and I’m not sure how she got to this floor, but she doesn’t have an appo-”

“It’s fine, Flaherty,” I said, making a note to put her on the all-access list for Crawford Industries. “Landry has automatic access to this floor and my office from now on.”

“Uh…oh…” he stammered. “Uhm, okay.”

“My apologies,” I told him. “I should have let you know sooner.”

He was quiet for a second before saying, “Well, that still doesn’t explain how she got up here.”

There was only one way that she could have gotten to this floor without security notifying me. “Preston must have escorted her. He knows who she is.”

His entire demeanor changing, Flaherty asked, “Oh, and who is she?”

Flaherty’s been with me for years, so I had no problem telling him the truth. “She’s my girlfriend, Flaherty.”

“Your girlfriend?” he asked incredulously. “Like…anactualgirlfriend?”

“Yes,” I sighed. “Now, will you please send her in?”

His voice was terribly low when he said, “Fair warning, she’s upset.”

That had me hanging up the phone, rushing out of my office to see what was going on. As soon as I came around the corner, I saw Landry pacing the reception area to our offices, and she really did look upset. Though, getting a better look at her, I’d say that she looked more furious than she did upset.
