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I looked back over at Rowena and Mark. “It was nice meeting the both of you. I hope to see you guys when everyone’s sober and nobody’s colors are wonky.”

“I look forward to that, too,” Rowena replied, the ‘awwwweee’ implied in her voice.

“I’ll walk you guys out,” Mark offered.

“Thanks,” I chuckled when I felt Landry’s entire frame lean up against me.

Half an hour later, I was carrying Landry up to her condo, and if she started snoring, I wouldn’t be surprised. She was at the end of her drinking spree, and that was usually the time when the passing out came into play.

Lucky for me, Landry was a petite thing, so I was having no trouble digging her keys from her purse to open the door. Rowena had also picked her up when they’d made plans to get drunk, so I hadn’t had to worry about her car when I’d gone to go get her.

Small favors.

Another hour later, Landry was sound asleep after doing me the favor of swallowing two aspirins. Kicking off my shoes and taking off my suit jacket, I got comfortable next to my drunk girl, not really minding that it was going to be a long night.

Chapter 19


Iwoke up feeling way better than I deserved, though I still felt crappy. I’d also woken up to a crapload of text messages from my ex-coworkers, though Tina had been the only one to also leave a voicemail. Everyone wanted to know what was going on or why I had quit, and I just knew that Bryant had twisted the truth to make me look like the bad guy. Luckily for me, everyone knew what a turd Bryant was, so I seriously doubted that anyone believed whatever it was that he’d told them.

“Good, you’re up.”

I glanced up from my phone to see Rush leaning against the door frame of my bedroom. He was dressed for work, looking just as gorgeous as ever. Looking at him, you’d never think that he spent his evening babysitting my drunk ass.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I looked at my phone again. “Holy shit, it’s already noon?”

“I took the liberty of borrowing your house key when I left,” he said as he walked into my room. “You can yell at me about invasion of privacy later.”

Setting my phone back down on the bed, I ran my hands down my face to rub yesterday away. However, it didn’t work. It never worked, no matter how many times I tried it.

“What happened last night?” I asked tiredly.

Rush took a seat on the bed, his right hand reaching over to rub my leg. “I picked you up at Rowena’s, brought you home, made you take some aspirin, then put you to bed.”


His brows rose. “Oh?”

“I mean, that was nice of you,” I mumbled, ready to just roll over and go back to sleep.

“Incidentally, unless you’re willing to move in with me tomorrow, we’re going to have to do something about your bed,” he went on. “It’s too small for me.”

I eyed him. “You spent the night?”

“Of course,” he scoffed. “I wasn’t going to leave you passed out and alone. What the fuck do you take me for?”

“Perfect right now,” I answered honestly.

Rush grinned. “I’m not perfect, though I appreciate that you think so.”

Rubbing my face again, I said, “I need to get up and start looking for a job.”

“Well, as much as I’d like to help you with that, I’ve got a meeting in an hour that I can’t miss,” he replied. “I just wanted to stop by really quickly to see how you were feeling.”

“I didn’t hear you leave this morning.”

Rush chuckled. “Yeah, since you were snoring, I can see that.”
