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I was pregnant.

Six months after Rush had told me that he loved me, we’d gotten married, and with our ages being what they were, we’d had the ‘children discussion’, agreeing to get pregnant sooner rather than later since we didn’t want our kids’ friends mistaking us for their grandparents later in life. We still didn’t know if we were stopping at just one or not, but for right now, one was all that I was focused on.

“Everything hurts,” I insisted. “Even my brain.”

Rush walked over, placed a kiss on the top of my head, then immediately began rubbing my back. “I’m pretty sure that’s called a headache, and they sell aspirin for that.”

“I will murder you, Rush Crawford,” I growled, but quickly changed my mind when he started massaging my shoulders.

“How about I get you home, so that you can murder me without witnesses,” he suggested.

I sighed. “I really do love how you’re always looking out for me.”

“I try,” he chuckled as I leaned my head up against his hip.

“Seriously, baby, how are you feeling?”

“Tired,” I answered honestly. “Making another human being takes a lot of energy.”

“I imagine that it does,” he agreed.

“Okay, let’s do this,” I said as I stood up. “I could use a nice bubble bath.”

“I’ll take care of it,” he replied easily. “Also, I ran into Tina on my way to your office. She’s doing a really good job as a supervisor.”

“Way better than the stale piece of ham before her,” I snorted.

“You have such a way with words, baby,” he remarked, grinning.

“Hey, you met the man. Tell me that he’s not as stale as a bag of chips left open for a month.”

“No arguments there,” he chuckled. “Also, I’m going to join you in that bubble bath, just so you know.”

“Good,” I replied. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you this early in the day.”

Though Rush and I still had hectic work schedules, we were fortunate enough to be in a marriage where we both wanted it to last. Wemadetime for each other, even when there wasn’t any time to spare. However, I knew that we weren’t going to be able to keep up this pace once the baby came, and that’s when I was going to take a break. While a lot of women would argue about me giving up my career, instead of forcing Rush to do the same, those people didn’t live my life. Iwantedto raise my child myself. I wasn’t interested in hiring nannies or whatever when I could afford to stay home.

“You know, once I stop working, people are going to assume that I really did marry you for your money,” I told him.

Rush harrumphed. “Little do they know that you only married me for my dick.”

“Well, I mean…”

The End.
