Page 84 of The Bone Hacker

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“Yes.” It registered that the man’s name tag saidLanders.

That part of the questioning went well. From then on, my answers seemed to disappoint.

“What time did the attack begin?”

“I didn’t check a clock. I’m guessing just past two.”

Landers jotted in a small spiral tablet. Did every cop have one?

“How long was the intruder inside the condo?”

“Not long.”

“Any thoughts on why he chose here?”

“It damn well wasn’t to bring me fritters.”

“Any idea how he gained entrance?”

“I’d left the terrace doors unlocked.”

Landers sighed his disapproval. “Tourists are often targeted for just that reason. Folks are on vacation, having a good time, they throw caution to the wind. A woman was killed over by the Club Med a few years back. A New Yorker.”

Face burning, I took a sip from my mug. The pompous jerk was right.

“Unsecured doors are a bad idea.” Landers refocused on the intruder. “Can you describe the man?”

“It was dark. I never got a good look at his face.”

“What was he wearing?”

“Pants. I know because he straddled my chest. Beyond that, no clue.”

As Landers questioned me, Winston/Winters moved from room to room, taking pics with his phone, carefully touching nothing except with a pen.

“Was anything stolen?” Landers asked, not looking up.

I shrugged and raised my free palm. “It’s not my condo.”

“Describe the incident again.”

My head and knee were clamoring with renewed vigor. My tea was gone. I wanted to down more Advil and return to bed. In the guest room. With the doors locked.

Knowing Landers was looking for inconsistencies in my story, I repeated my account. Exactly as I’d given it initially.

When I’d finished, Landers tucked his pen into the tablet’s spiral binding. “I won’t lie to you. We get quite a few B and E calls from these complexes. The stealy boys hit and split. Mostly we don’t catch ’em. Mostly no one gets hurt.”

“Don’t thieves typically hit a place when the occupants are away?”

“That’s true.”

“Are they usually armed?”

“No. But it happens.”

“My attacker may be the man I mentioned. Uri Stribbe.”

“What makes you think that?”
