Page 1 of Alpha Daddy

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Picking yourself up from rock bottom doesn’t happen overnight, and I remind myself of that simple fact over and over as I brush my wet hair in front of the truck stop bathroom mirror. I’ve been using it since I moved into my car three weeks ago, a low I never thought I’d sink to as an omega. Unfortunately, here I am.

I have no money, nowhere to go, and I’mdefinitelynot running into the arms of another pack just to have the same thing happen again.

Nope. Love’s a bitch who can kindly go fuck herself.

I’ll figure this out on my own, disguised as a beta in a big city, where I’m sure to be overlooked among all the other beautiful women. As long as the scent blocker does its job, I’m safe.

I'll be nothing special and perfectly average, just like my exes always said I was.

You might be a fucking omega, but there's nothing special about you, Jessa. You're a waste of space, just like every other bitch in this town.

Their insults still haunt me. They plague my dreams, making it difficult to close my eyes at night. Despite countless attempts, I can't keep their cruel words from running marathons through my brain.

Words are weapons, and they hurt most coming from the men I loved. From the pack who claimed to love me more than the air they breathed.The mates I was supposed to spend forever with.

Now, they're all gone, and I'm left with their ghostly voices imprinted on my mind.

Love made me take their words to heart, clinging to them like an undeniable truth. Love made me try to prove them wrong, to show them just how special and worthy I was. Love made me blind to the dark truth that my life wasn’t the perfect fairytale I wanted it to be.

It was all in the name of love.

I gave my ex-pack every part of my heart, body, and soul. I did everything I could to earn their affection, went above and beyond what any omega should ever have to do for their mates, and somehow managed to disappoint them anyway.

I don't deserve to be an omega. They told me so many times, it sank in down to my marrow, altering something crucial at the cellular level of my makeup. Now, I doubt I'll ever be the same.

An alpha's word is law. Everyone knows that, especially omegas like me.

What they command, I must do, per my designation.

With so much power, their opinions must have merit.Right?

It's amazing how I started to believe the words they spit in my face every day for years, no matter how badly I wanted to ignore them. They whittled away at the unbreakable mask I'd built up, then chipped away at my self-confidence. Once they'd slashed their way to my soul, that's when the real damage was done.

I'm shattered.

A broken omega.

A fractured version of my former self, and I don't know if the damage can ever be undone.

The only thing I can do now is pick up the pieces of my old life and do my best to reassemble them into something new. Maybe I’ll become something better, but it’ll take time.

Lots of time. Luckily, I have plenty to spare, since I’ve lost everything that would have otherwise consumed my attention.

I shove thoughts of my old pack away as I focus on my upcoming interview. It’s the first one I’ve been able to land after putting in dozens of applications around the city, and it couldn't come at a better time. My funds are running dangerously low.

Normally, working isn’t something omegas ever have to worry about–their status earns them everything they could ever need or want in life. They're resigned to a life of luxury, never having to struggle or wonder where their next meal is coming from.

That’s what I could have,shouldhave, but my exes are proof that not all alphas are what they’re cracked up to be. Some are cold, callous monsters who take more than they give, who destroy instead of protect.

If working my ass off means I never have to deal with another alpha like that again, so be it.

I’ll pose as a beta until the day I die.

However, despite my conviction, doubt is already creeping its way up my spine, muddling my thoughts. Am I even good enough to work at Jarvis & Jerald, the state’s largest law firm, in the heart of the city?
