Page 5 of Alpha Daddy

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Way to be a judgmental cunt, Jess.

But as I step through the door and up to the hostess stand, I can sense him.Smell him. I’m not even sure how I know, because I’ve never been able to scent a singular person in an overly-crowded room before, but the sharp smell of rich bourbon and smoky, charred wood assaults my senses.

There’s definitely an alpha lurking somewhere in this building, and it kicks my pulse up.

An alpha being present doesn’t necessarily mean anything for me, especially with the scent blocker smothering my perfume to undetectable levels, but if there’s one here, I should get eyes on him.

It’s important to know the hierarchy of any room you’re in, especially when there’s an alpha involved. That truth has been drilled into my brain since I first awakened as an omega.

In some situations, it could be the difference between being bound or not.

In others, it could be the difference between life or death.

My eyes travel through the bar, roaming aimlessly over the faces gathered in the dining area, searching for the elusive alpha. Will I recognize him just by looking at him? Or will I need to get closer to scent him? I can’t say I’ve encountered many alphas, especially alone, and my galloping heartbeat is a clear reminder of that.

Get a grip, Jessa.

My eyes finally land on the bar, noting a singular vacant seat that’s calling to me, begging me to sidle over, but then they crawl up and land on the bartender.

He's older, his dark brown hair streaked with gray. Salt and pepper stubble traces his jawline and curls over his lips in a thin mustache. Even from this distance, I can see his dark, warm brown eyes, blazing like beacons, and the way he moves fluidly behind the bar is a nod to his power.

Goddamn, if he isn’t the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

When he moves, everyone watches, and no one seems to speak to him unless spoken to. I’ve never seen someone command so much respect without having to do anything, and that’s when it dawns on me.

He’s the alpha.


I thought stumbling into this bar was my lucky break, that after an absolutely shitty morning, things were finally starting to go my way. How foolish that was. It seems the unlucky punches just keep coming.

I could turn around and leave before he notices me. There are plenty more restaurants on this strip–I could just as easily choose one of those to mope in. I could also cower in a corner away from him, pretending to ignore his existence, even though that would be an impossible feat.

“How many?” the hostess asks, a kind smile gracing her angular face. She has a spill of red hair and bright green eyes.

“One, but I'm just going to sit at the bar if that's okay.” I might regret that decision in ten seconds when I take a seat across from the alpha bartender, but that’s a problem for future Jessa.

Present Jessa feels confident, nonchalant, like a bit of a rebel, which is something I've never been.

I've always followed the rules, kept quiet and stayed in my own lane.

Considering I spent nearly every second of being an awakened omega under the scrutinizing eyes of my old pack, always instructed on what to say and how to act, the taste of rebellion is sweet and well-deserved.

That, and I’m just out of fucks to give after everything that’s happened. I’m tempted to play with fire, to see how close I can get to the flame without getting burned.

“Of course.” The hostess turns to gesture behind her, ever polite. “You can seat yourself.”

Then, as though I have nothing left to lose–which I don’t–I turn and head toward the bar.



I see her straight through the crowded room of regular patrons, and my stomach drops.

She's young, at least fifteen years younger than I am, with soft features and a tall, thin frame.

My eyes drip down her body, taking in the black tailored suit that seems a little too harsh for her and wondering how the hell she’s walking in those impossibly high heels. She's breathtaking, and the more I stare, the more I want her to turn around and march right back out the door.
