Page 44 of A Childhood Crush

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“She’s a sex worker,” I corrected.

“So, a prostitute.”

We both laughed. “I know it’s not the best place in the city, but it’s still mine. I like it. Mostly. I know I’m going to move out of there one day. I’m working my way to the top.”

“I saw that copy you sent back,” he said. “It was good. Have you been getting any other work?”

I smiled proudly. “Actually, I did get a little gig writing for a small online paper. It’s nothing huge, but it’s a start and it’s fun. I am negotiating with another potential client to write some more serious stuff.”


I felt my cheeks burning a little. “It’s just a little thing.”

“Like?” he prodded.

“It’s for this online site that publishes romantic shorts,” I said.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It’s quick love stories,” I answered. “Likewham, bam, thank you, ma’amkind of thing. I’m excited to get my foot in the door of the fiction world. If I can get a couple little things published, it will help me when it comes time to promote my book.”

“You wrote a book?”

“Not yet,” I said. “But when I do.”

As we sat on the couch, I could feel the tension between us growing. I knew that this was the moment I had been waiting for. He leaned in to kiss me. I met him halfway, my body tingling with anticipation. We kissed deeply, our bodies pressed together, and I felt like I was on fire. I couldn’t get close enough to him. There was only one thing on my mind. Something I had longed to do for a long time.

I maneuvered over him, straddling him on the couch with my hands running up and down his chest. My mouth moved over his, kissing over his jaw and feeling the first beginning of stubble. My hips moved, sliding back and forth over the erection I felt beneath me. His hands were sliding up my thighs and back. His hands twisted in my hair, holding my head close to his.

I unbuckled his pants. I slid down his body and dropped to the floor in front of him. The plush rug under me was soft and welcoming. My hands worked at his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers.

“Emmy…” he said in a strangled voice.

I didn’t stop my mission. I reached for his hard cock, wrapping my hand around it and gently squeezing. He groaned and adjusted his body on the couch. I licked it up and down. He tasted delicious. It was what I had wanted to do for a long time. I never imagined I would actually get the chance to do it.

He moaned and put his hand on the back of my head, pressing me toward him and forcing me to take his thick cock deeper down my throat. I continued lapping and sucking like I had been given the best ice cream cone in the world. I kept going until I felt him stiffen. I sucked him off, running my tongue up and down his hard cock and licking the tip of it. I held onto his thighs, wanting him to release his juices in my mouth.

“Emmy!” He tried to pull me away, but I didn’t get this far to stop short. His hands fisted in my hair as his hips pumped. I swallowed every last drop of him, feeling like I held all the power in the world.

He sat forward and pulled me away from him. His breathing was ragged as we both tried to regain our composure. I had been on the verge of my own orgasm listening and feeling his excitement. He looked at me with those sexy green eyes, and I could see the desire burning in them. I knew what he wanted. I wanted it, too.

“Damn,” he murmured.

He got to his feet and pulled me up to meet him. He took my hand and led me out of the living room and down the hallway. As we walked, I pressed my body close to his. My breasts pressed against his back. The hard muscles teased my nipples and excited me more than I already was. I needed him, and I needed him now.

We reached the end of the hallway and to my surprise, he spun around and pressed me against the wall. Our lips met once again, this time with even more intensity than before. My hands roamed over his body, exploring every inch of him. I moaned softly as he traced kisses down my neck. He was driving me crazy.

“Oh!” I gasped when he lifted me up with my back sliding up the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me to his bedroom with my body hanging on his. He kicked the door, which opened with ease. We stumbled inside with my mouth covering his. The room was dimly lit, and the only sounds were our heavy breathing and our kissing.

I couldn’t believe I was actually in his bedroom. After all these years wanting him, I was finally going to know what it would be like to be with him. He reached for me, touching my cheek before his lips brushed over mine. His hands slid down my sides and around my waist. I slid my hands down his chest and around to squeeze his ass. I had never been so turned on in my life.

He turned me around and slowly unzipped my dress. I stepped out of the pool of fabric at my feet and kicked it out of the way. I turned to face him. His eyes roamed over the matching red lace bra and panties I had chosen with this moment in mind.

“So fucking hot,” he murmured with his hand running up my side. “I have seen you in a hundred bikinis over the years, but now, you’re standing in my bedroom and it’s even better.”

His hand slid up my thigh and between my legs. His fingers brushed over my panties with his lips ghosting over mine. “You’re so wet.”

I fumbled to unbutton his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. His pants fell off with an easy push. He was naked with all his tanned skin on full display. Like him, I had seen him in nothing but a pair of shorts a hundred times. There had even been an embarrassing incident I walked in on him in the shower but things had been covered quickly. Now, he was standing before me in all his naked glory and I couldn’t wait to touch him. I reached out, running my hand over him. His skin was smooth and taut and oh-so hot. I pressed my body against his with urgency. I reached between us and gently rubbed my hand over his cock once again. He was hard and ready once again.
