Page 62 of A Childhood Crush

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“And now you’re marrying the guy?” Izzy laughed.

“I guess we always find the right one, even if it does take a while to find them,” Caroline said.

I looked down, not wanting to think about the right one.

“Are you okay?” Izzy asked.

“I just miss him so much,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “I know it was the right decision to break up, but it still hurts.”

The other bridesmaids nodded sympathetically, their eyes filled with understanding. They had all been through breakups before, but it was still comforting to know that I wasn’t alone.

“It’s okay to miss him,” Lena said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“Do you think you’ll get back together with him?” Caroline asked. “He’s not a bad guy. I was really surprised you guys just got together. I thought you had been together forever.”

“We’ve beenfriendsforever,” I corrected.

“How come nothing happened before?” Lena asked.

I smiled. “Because he’s four years older than I am.”

“So?” Caroline shrugged.

“When I was twelve, he was sixteen,” I said. “When I was fourteen, he was eighteen.”

“Oh, yeah.” Lena cringed. “That’s definitely weird.”

“Have you always had a crush on him?” Julia asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I think I always admired him, and we were always really close. I never saw him as a boyfriend. There was one time I thought something might happen.”

“When?” Lena asked.

I smiled at the memory. “It was my senior prom. Luke was home from college. I was dressed and ready. My date never showed up. I was devastated. I think my dad put Luke up to it, but he took me to my prom. He put on a tux and everything. I wasn’t exactly Miss Popular in school. I only went to prom because my parents said I needed to do it for my high school memories. Luke was bored out of his skull, and everyone was watching us. He asked if I wanted to leave. I was very happy to. He bought some beer, and we went to some deserted lake. We got drunk, kissed, and passed out. The next morning, I was crazy hungover. He took me home and we never talked about the kiss again. For a while, I wasn’t sure it happened at all.”

“Ahh,” they all said in unison.

“You’re adults, have been for a while, why hasn’t anything happened before now?” Caroline asked.

“He was at law school and whenever he came home for the holidays, he was always with a girl,” I said. “Neither of us were single at the same time. It was crazy because we did go on a few double dates. We always told each other all about our relationships. He told me about the women he dated, and I told him about the men I dated. We gave each other advice about our relationships. I never really considered him as an option. Not that I didn’t think he was handsome and kind and really, really sweet. I did, but I just didn’t think that we were ever going to be a thing.”

“Sounds like he’s a big part of your life,” Lena said.

“He was the biggest part of my life,” I said. “It’s very weird not talking to him.”

I didn’t want to pour my heart out to what were essentially strangers, but we were talking about Luke and I couldn’t stop myself. The situation was weighing heavily on me.

“I think you should talk to him,” Lena said. “You obviously love him and miss him.”

“Luke and I have been best friends since I was a little girl. He always protected me and looked out for me. My daddidtell him to do it, but I thought maybe when we grew up, he was my friend because he wanted to be, not because my dad told him to be.”

“I don’t think Luke takes orders from anyone,” Caroline said. “Leo is his boss and he doesn’t even listen to him.”

“He didn’t deny spying for my dad,” I said. “All he had to say was he wasn’t spying for him.”

Caroline nodded her head understandingly. “Maybe he didn’t deny it because he was surprised by the suggestion. Luke is a proud man. He probably didn’t like being accused of doing it. But I have a feeling that Luke cares about you more than he lets on. He’s always been protective of you, and I’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no one else is watching.”

“I’ve noticed it as well,” Julia said. “I knew you before I ever met you because he talked about you so much.”
