Page 8 of A Childhood Crush

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“No.” I shook my head. “Not really. My dad has always done a really good job keeping work and family separate. It’s not like he’s running around flaunting who he is or what he does. On paper, he’s a legitimate businessman. Few people know the dirty underbelly. I feel safe enough, but I do worry there is going to be a time when things aren’t always safe. I don’t want to get caught up in the net.”

“Understandable,” she nodded.

“Enough about me.” I waved my hand. “Tell me what’s going on in your life. What happened in California? I thought you were madly in love and marrying some rich tech guy?”

She groaned and put a hand to her face. “No. As it turns out, I’m a damn fool.”

I could see her fighting back her emotions. I had no idea what she was dealing with, but I could see she needed me. We had always been close. She’d been in California the last four years, but we’d texted daily.

“Izzy, what’s wrong?” I asked, embracing her in a tight hug.

“I had to leave California,” Izzy said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I had to come home.”

“I’m glad you’re back,” I said. “I’ve missed you. I didn’t know you were struggling. What happened?”

Izzy took a shaky breath. “My fiancé is a lying, cheating piece of shit,” she said.


“He cheated on me with my friend,” Izzy started. “I thought we were going to get married. I thought he loved me. I thought he was the one. I’m such a damn fool. I felt so stupid. I should have known. I should have suspected something. I feel like such an idiot! I couldn’t stay there and risk seeing him. I had to get out of there. I had nowhere else to turn. I couldn’t afford to get an apartment, not that there are a lot of apartments available. I hate having to come home with my tail between my legs, but here I am.”

“What an asshole,” I hissed. “I can’t believe he would do that to you. Shame on him. He’s the loser. He’s the guy who just lost the best woman he was ever going to get. You’re not coming home with your tail between your legs. You’re coming home. Your family is here. You don’t need that loser.”

“Thanks.” She sighed with tears streaming down her face. “I know he’s a loser. I’m done with him. I’m done with California. I’m ready to start over here in Boston. I thought I was going to have this glamourous life in California with all the sun and beaches and beautiful people. Turns out, I’m not cut out to hang out with the beautiful people.”

“You are gorgeous,” I said. “You don’t have to be around the beautiful people. You have us.”

“You are beautiful people.” She choked on the words.

I quickly moved to get her water.

“I’m here for you, Izzy. Whatever you need, I’ll be here.”

Izzy took a deep breath and wiped away her tears. “Thanks, Emmy. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“You don’t have to do without me.” I smiled. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Why are men such assholes?” She groaned.

“I don’t know if it’s all men,” I replied. “A few but not all. I think there are still some good ones. You just have to find them.”

“I’m not going to be looking for a man anytime soon,” she said. “I’m over it. I’m over love and marriage and the whole thing. I’m just going to do my own thing.”

“The right man will come along,” I assured her.

While we were talking, my phone vibrated on the table. I grabbed it and sawMomon the screen. “Ugh,” I groaned.

“Are you going to answer?” Izzy asked.

“I have to.” I sighed. “I don’t want to make her feel bad. I’m not mad at her. Although, she is complicit in all of this.”

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Hey, Mom,” I answered as cheerfully as I could.

“Emilia,” she replied. “I called you yesterday. Why didn’t you answer?”

“I was in a meeting,” I said.
