Page 17 of Bite and See

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The day was interminably long. Lorena felt Thomas’s eyes boring into her back the entire day. The tension between them was palpable. She found it difficult to meet his eyes, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of her treachery or because of her desire.

On top of that, he seemed to make excuses to call her into his office. He asked her opinion on things or wanted to show her something trivial on his computer. Her mind was all over the place.

The dreaded meeting with Sonny loomed over her, the shadow of it becoming larger and larger until her whole world seemed to go dark. She had nothing to give him. She didn’t even want to give him anything. What could she do?

The end of the day came, and she had hardly gotten any work done. She said goodnight to Thomas. He was still acting weird with her. Lorena couldn’t help but feel that he wanted to say something.

But he never did.

She was almost relieved when she finally managed to leave and headed for her car.

Her rendezvous with Sonny was in the creepy parking garage of the hospital. She wished it could have been anywhere else. She hated that place.

She pulled into the parking garage, praying he wouldn’t be there. Wishing she could just go to be with her dad. She yearned to see how he was doing.

But Sonny was there. His broad figure walked toward her as soon as she got out of the car. His large body trapped her between her car and the neighboring car. She instinctively shrank away from him. He was so close she could smell his sweat.

“Evening, Lorena,” he said. “I hope you’ve got some results for me.”

She’d been trying to come up with a plan all day. He would never leave her alone if she didn’t give him some information. The life of her dad was depending on her to keep this repugnant man sweet.

“I don’t have much,” she said. “Thomas keeps his affairs closely guarded.”

“We had a deal, you and I. Please don’t tell me you’re going to let me down. Daddy wouldn’t like that, now would he?” Sonny chuckled at his own nasty humor.

“All I know is that Thomas has somethingbigplanned,” Lorena lied. “I hear him on the phone talking with people. It’s some kind of deal.” Her palms felt a little sweaty as she fabricated a story to keep Sonny happy.

“You wouldn’t be making this up, would you?” he said, leaning closer. His breath smelled of too much coffee and cigarettes. Involuntarily, Lorena took a step back.

“No, of course not,” she said desperately. “I heard him talking to his second, Daryl, about it too. He said something about a shipment. I think it’s going to happen next week.”

“Okay, good,” said Sonny. “I need to know the details. Maybes are not what is going to keep your dad alive. Remember that.”

“I know. It’s difficult snooping around. If he gets suspicious, I won’t get anything,”

“Do what’s got to be done, Lorena. My patience is wearing thin.”

“I will, I will,” she replied desperately. “I just need a bit more time.”

“Does Thomas go out anywhere alone on a regular basis?” Sonny asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so, but I’m only his secretary. I wouldn’t know what he does outside the office. I’ve seen him go out with Daryl a few times. But most of the time, whenever I’m in the office, he’s also in the office.” Lorena was flustered. She did not want to betray Thomas to this evil man.

“I need you to get closer to him, Lorena. Can you do that for me?” he leered at her. “You’re a pretty girl. It shouldn’t be hard.”

No,Lorena thought.It shouldn’t be.But she did not want to be playing that kind of game if she could help it. The situation was bad enough already. “That was not part of our deal,” she said bravely.

“No, getting information was part of our deal, and that seems to be desperately lacking,” said Sonny angrily, his bald head glistening with sweat. “Do you at least have a list of his contacts?”

“I tried this morning,” she replied honestly. “I got into his computer, but he doesn’t keep his contacts on there.”

“You were on his computer?” Sonny asked. “What other information did you get? There must have been something interesting there.”

Lorena kicked herself. She hadn’t meant to mention the incident with the computer that morning to him. “I didn’t get a chance to find anything. I only had ten minutes, and he nearly caught me.”

“Huh,” Sonny grunted. “You’re letting me down, and by that, I mean you’re letting your dad down. You have twenty-four hours.”

Twenty-four hours? That wasn’t enough. She was about to protest, but Sonny turned his broad back on her and strode away.
