Page 22 of Bite and See

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“I’m not going to be swayed, kitten,” he told her. “I am shouldering the bill, and I brought in some of the best talent to make sure Alfredo gets the best care. These are non-negotiable details.”

“I work for you. As stubborn as you are, I love my job and want to be a vital part of the team. What you’re spending right now, and what you’ve arranged, is really over the top. The cost and responsibility you have taken on are really too much.”

“Too much? Speak for yourself. What part of non-negotiable do you not understand?”

He knew that they could argue all day if they were allowed to. And while Thomas did not want to argue with Lorena, he couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were bright. Her full lower lip was red and swollen, where she had bitten down.

An orderly came in and interrupted the mild standoff. Alfredo was being moved into surgery.

Lorena headed into the post-op waiting area, and Thomas went with her. He made sure they stayed close as though they were tied at the hip. When Lorena’s eyes were turned away, Thomas gave a hand gesture to the street lieutenant, letting him know he could get back to the office.

Thomas sat close to Lorena when she finally sat, and he made sure to give her no space … he knew she would lean on him eventually.

He needed to stay right there at her side, ready for when she eventually broke down. He took great care to stay quiet in case she wanted to say anything, and luckily the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. He could tell she knew he was sticking to her like glue and giving her space at the same time.

“You are very strong,” he told her. “If I were in your shoes, I’d be as calm as a squirrel at a cereal convention.”

“Do they even have cereal conventions?” Lorena replied.

“There are conventions for everything. Even the conventions have conventions,” he told her. Then he stood and gave her a big smile. “Hold my seat for me, will you?” Thomas asked.

Lorena smiled in answer.

Thomas headed down the hall, found the vending machine he was looking for, and bought two prides of Oreos.

Back at his seat, Thomas handed Lorena one of the cookie prides and kept the other for himself.

Thomas opened his small prideage, took one of the cookies out, and handed it to Lorena. He didn’t say anything along with the gesture.

“You are sweet,” Lorena laughed. Then she handed him back the cookie and started opening the pride he gave her. “I love Oreos, and normally I would take yours, but some sweet, albeit crazy, person already gave me one of my own.”

“I know what you are thinking,” he told her.

“Okay. I’ll take the bait. What am I thinking?”

“You are thinking a rib-eye steak and a martini would be ideal right now, so what am I doing with cookies?”

“You might actually have something there,” she answered. He heard a tinge of humor behind her words. “You know, it feels really good having you here right now, even though I am shattered. First, I was kind of mad at you. Humbled, grateful, and spitting mad. You are so generous and stubborn.”

“I’m glad to know I am wearing you down.”

One of the hospital staff informed Lorena that they could move back to the ICU waiting area. Surgery was finished, and someone would update her there.

Thomas grabbed their cookies and her handbag and led the way back to the waiting area. Once they had seats, Thomas found two bottled waters and returned to sit next to his mate. He felt her sigh, and she leaned against him. He lifted an arm and put it around her.

It was not sexual or needy. His arm around her was a show of strength. His way of saying he was staying, no matter what, because right then, Lorena needed him.

Right then, it felt like they were two soldiers in the trenches.

“This is what I am talking about,” she added. “You being here is really bolstering me.”

It felt good to hear her say something. He felt her attraction for him, even though it was unspoken. He could also tell that her feelings for him were building.

Thomas also couldn’t help but feel disconcerted by other emotions, emotions of doubt and uncertainty. He sensed Lorena wanted to say something but was suppressing whatever it was.

He didn’t like the uncertainty of unspoken things between them.

The lion didn’t like it either.

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