Page 29 of Bite and See

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“I’m over here, Lorena.”

Lorena flashed a startled look. “What are you doing over there?”

“Just trying to get a different view of things, I guess. How was lunch?” Thomas waved at her to take a seat in a chair across from him.

“Good. Okay, great, actually. I swear I could live on corned beef and Coke for the rest of what would be my short, malnutritional life.”

Thomas couldn’t help but laugh as Lorena’s infectious laughter spread to him.

“I brought you lunch. I knew you wouldn’t eat.”

Lorena handed over a brown paper carton. Thomas peered inside and smirked at the contents.

“Garden salad.” Amusement rumbled through him.


“No Montreal smoked meat for me?”

Lorena had a devious smirk on her face. “Nope.”


“Because the leader of our pride must stay healthy. And I eat enough junk food for both of us, so ….”

Thomas looked up and smiled at his loyal assistant.

As he unwrapped the plastic-covered fork and dug into the leafy meal, Thomas didn’t consciously come to any conclusion. Yet deep down inside, he knew if there were a pride infiltrator, it could never be Lorena. The figure he saw had to be someone else. Lorena cared too much about him and the well-being of the pride.

“And so does Daryl, though.”

“What was that?” Lorena asked with a quizzical eye.

“Oh, sorry. Thinking out loud, I guess.”

“A pride problem?”

“Maybe.” Thomas shook his head. “I’m not sure yet.”

“Can I help?”

Thomas smiled. “You already have.”

Thoughts about the mole in his pride fell away in Lorena’s presence. Her aura and light were all-consuming. It was hard not to feel positive when she was around.

Thomas knew that he smiled and laughed more with his mate. He couldn’t help it. She lit him up from the inside out.

As he munched on the salad, he watched as Lorena moved in and out of the office. She removed his finished work and replaced it with more documents to peruse and sign. She brought in the new pile and placed it to the right of the inbox, not in the inbox.

Thomas stared at her movements.

He stared at her placement of the pile. The exact same place at the exact same angle the misplaced folders were.

He took a big swig of his sparkling water to wash away the lump in his throat.


