Page 3 of Bite and See

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The place was destroyed, and no one seemed to care. Blood, hair, broken glass, and spilled alcohol was splashed everywhere. Several pieces of furniture had been tipped over too.

“What in the fuck is going on?”

Everyone froze at Thomas’s deep, demanding growl as it echoed through the bar.

The lions returned to human form, and all were staring at him. Someone even unplugged the jukebox.

One of the men Thomas knew would be an issue emerged.

He was tall, well-built, and his name was Stefan. He loved power and intimidation and now, apparently, thought it was his time to shine.

“What does it look like? We’re enjoying ourselves.” Stefan stepped in front of Thomas so that they were toe-to-toe. The challenge was obvious.

“No, it looks more like a pathetic group of morons who don’t know how to control themselves.”

“Well, you’ve been gone for a while. Things are going to change around here. Everyone may have loved your mother, but now she’s dead and gone. Hell, by the end, she was too weak to stop us from doing what we wanted anyway. There’s gonna be a new alpha in town, and it damn sure ain’t you. No matter your right or name,” Stefan spat.

No one had come to back Stefan up. Not yet.

They all wanted to see his reaction and what was in store for them. Plus, no one in the pride wanted to interrupt a good fight, especially a challenge for an alpha.

Thomas didn’t know about strength, but he knew he was smarter than Stefan. But right now, Stefan had pissed him off enough that logic wasn’t involved.

Thomas needed to make a statement, and he needed it now. This was the fight he was looking for.

“Marcus! Bar the entrance. There’s to be an alpha challenge.”

Within a moment, bars dropped on the windows and across the doors, front and back. They were locked in, and Stefan was about to get his chance.

Without another word, both males shifted and sprang at each other.

Usually, Thomas would feign and prance around to play his attacker, but he was too full of rage to do that. Plus, he knew Stefan’s tactics.

Stefan knocked Thomas to the ground and immediately went for the obvious kill, but that was what Thomas expected.

He rolled out from under the mass of the lion’s body and jumped onto Stefan’s back, taking his neck in his mouth and clawing deep into his shoulders.

With Thomas’s skilled moves, Stefan was instantly pinned and unable to break free from Thomas’s grip.

Thomas’s shaggy brown lion form dominated him, and he growled viciously as he kept hold of his attacker’s neck, twisting him around.

Unfortunately, he needed to make a point with Stefan. He had to show not only his strength but his fury at the lawlessness they had created.

Stefan wasn’t giving up, still snapping at him.

Thomas moved his body swiftly to the side. He snapped Stefan’s neck in one strong twist before ripping out his throat. He spat it at the crowd watching the challenge.

Before he shifted back, two more came after him, shifting as they attacked.

They were smaller and easily taken care of. Thomas didn’t know them by scent, so he assumed they were new and fans of Stefan’s rules.

That made them mentally easier to dispose of than Stefan had been.

Now three shifters lay lifeless back in human form around Thomas’s growling and ruthless lion form.

Satisfied that no one else was going to come after him, Thomas shifted back. He was naked and covered in blood. He didn’t reach for clothes or a blanket. Instead, he let the pride look upon him. He wanted them to know he was serious.

He was undeniably their alpha, and he wasn’t about to take shit from anyone. He wanted them scared, and they were. He smelled it.
