Page 48 of Bite and See

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She wished she could see what was going on more clearly. The snipers had taken the best vantage spots, and after her near miss, she didn’t want to risk exposing herself again.

“There’s Thomas. Cover him!” one of them said.

She craned around the rock and saw him running across an exposed gap. She heard the crack of the rifles around her and saw three different guys go down around Thomas. She was so relieved when he made it to cover.

Other members of his gang were not faring so well, however. She could see a lion on the ground covered in blood and another one surrounded by three more shifters. He didn’t stand a chance.

Lorena pointed him out to the snipers, who managed to get one of the shifters, but not before another one of them had smashed the poor lion with a killing blow.

She was in despair. There were people down there dying because of her. She loved Thomas. She knew that, but how could their bond survive all this bloodshed? It was all too much for her.

Eventually, the shots and the screaming subsided. As far as she could tell, Sonny’s forces were either dead or on the run. But the carnage left behind was horrendous.

Lorena felt utterly destroyed.



The first thing Thomas did after the initial attack and carnage was to secure each safe house. He ordered food and supplies to be brought out that would hold them in their new location for a while. He situated guards, alarms, and cameras. This also included a sniper team of two for each safe house roof.

The second thing Thomas did was bring in medics for any future attacks. He wanted a trauma team in each safe house and a medic to stay by Lorena’s side.

The primary safe house, a staunch log cabin practically impregnable, was where he hid Lorena, accompanied by two Leone pride guards. There, in the back room, Thomas assembled a group that included a dozen of the nastiest, borderline psychotic Leone pride shifters Thomas had ever worked with. These were old-school bruisers Elena let join the pride before she passed. Most had been to prison at some point and, by all appearances, were not shy about using steroids.

The back room that held this bloodthirsty crowd was dead quiet while waiting for Thomas’s return. They knew what was coming. Search and destroy orders. Thomas was in the main room of the safe house, standing next to a medic and Lorena.

Thomas kept looking back and forth between the door to the back room and Lorena.

“Go ahead and go,” Lorena told him. “Talk to your crew.”

“You know I have to do this, right?”

“I know you will hit back. Sonny turned the tables on us, and you’re going to get your revenge. I know that,” she answered. Her voice cracked, and she was on the edge of screaming. “I also know it is really hard to view what happened tonight as anything other than a disaster that occurred on my behalf, okay!”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” Thomas answered back sharply. “Sonny wants me buried in a hole somewhere out of his way. It’s been that way for years. And since my mother passed away, this night’s attack has been more inevitable than ever. I am going to finish tonight what should have been done a while ago. If you need to levy blame, I’m your man.”

“Hurry back then,” she answered. “No part of me will be settled while you aren’t here. Do not hug me, do not kiss me, do not say goodbye. Just go, damn you. Go and come back alive.”

Lorena went straight into the bathroom.

Thomas nodded at the guard by the bathroom door to stay on Lorena, and he gave the same nod to the medic and the other two guards in the room.Stay on her ass. You die before she dies,he communicated with his mind.

Thomas gathered his crew and shared the brief plan of blunt-force violence.

They departed the safe house in three vehicles. They did not, however, use dark and unmarked SUVs with blacked-out windows. They used three sprinter vans, the same color and same model as Sonny’s crew used. Hopefully, this would give them an element of surprise.

The first stop was the leading edge of a greenbelt hedgerow that ran the length of Sonny’s base. This was where Thomas’s snipers exited the vehicle and disappeared into the dark.

The second stop was the power pole one block away. The line to the portion of the grid covering Sonny’s base house was clipped.

The third stop was a position just behind the bushes that helped cloak the perimeter of Sonny’s base house. From this position, two drone operators flew two drones carrying M34 white phosphorus grenades into the sky until they hovered over Sonny’s home.

After a brief pause, the drones dropped the grenades.

The ensuing fire was white, big, and silent. Thomas enjoyed watching Sonny’s crew, some shifted and some not, fall to the snipers.

Thomas’s first on-foot assault team took off into Sonny’s house. Although the snipers were in place and clearly doing their job, Thomas wanted these pride members unshifted and wielding firearms.

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