Page 54 of Bite and See

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“Papa! Papa! Oh my, you look so much better. Sitting up. And look at those rosy cheeks!” Lorena ran to her father and rested her head on his lap. The old man chuckled and embraced Lorena as though she was still his little girl.

“My dear Lorena. Yes, I’m back on the mend. No more headaches and the cuts are healing nicely. And who have we here?”

Lorena lifted her head and brought Thomas to the bedside. “Father, this is Thomas Leone. Elena’s son, you might recall. Thomas, this is my father, Alfredo D’Augustino.”

Thomas smiled wide and reached for the man’s hand. They shook man to man. Thomas felt the warmth of Alfredo’s hand, and despite his current disability, he could tell Lorena’s father was a powerful man, inside and out.

“So honored to meet you, sir.”

“Likewise, Mr. Leone. The nurses have been catching me up on all the events. I gather you’ve been taking good care of my daughter in my absence. I heartily thank you for that.”

“The pleasure was all mine, sir. But please call me Thomas.”

“Oh, I couldn’t, possibly. You’re the alpha. It wouldn’t be right.” Alfredo’s look was stern, his shoulders erect.

“Oh, but Papa, you could call him Thomas if he was your son-in-law, and he will be. Daddy, we are engaged. We are to be mated for life. I love Thomas, and he loves me.”

Alfredo’s look instantly changed from formal and officious to beyond excited.

“Oh, my word. Lorena. This is wonderful news!”

“Sir, under normal circumstances, I would, of course, have asked you for her hand. I hope you don’t think it's too presumptuous of me.”

“Not at all, son. Not at all. The nurses filled me in on the attack here at the hospital. I don’t fully understand all the details yet, but there was obviously more happening here than meets the eye. You risked your life and the life of your warriors for me and my daughter. I will be forever in your debt. If Lorena has made up her mind that you’re the one for her, far be it for me to question that. And I, for one, couldn’t dream of a better protector for my Lorena than you, Alpha Thomas.”

“Sir, it will be my honor to be a part of your family and to have you both under my care. I will assure you always have a place with Lorena and me. And I will rebuild the cabin alongside our future home to fit your every need. Lorena and I want you close, sir. It will set her mind at ease. And I want to learn from your wisdom and experience.”

Alfredo chuckled. “Yes, well, there’s more wisdom and experience at my age than strength. But in whatever capacity I can aid you, I surely will. Now, my dear Lorena, I would ask you to leave the room. I need a man-to-man talk with your betrothed. I hope you understand.”

“Oh, yes, Father. I do. I’ll get us drinks and leave you two be. Now both of you behave. I don’t want to come back and see you’ve gone AWOL and are tearing up the realm.” Lorena winked.

“I promise, darling. We will be good.” Thomas blew her a kiss.

Once Lorena was out the door, Alfredo became serious. Thomas quickly followed suit.

“Now, son. I can tell by your words and deeds you have Lorena’s best interest at heart. But I will not be on this mortal coil forever. I want to assuredly know my only child will be safe and sound when I’m gone. In other words, this love affair. You view it as serious and solemn, I pray?”

“Oh, sir, yes, I do. My mother, the former leader, taught me all about loyalty and service, and above all, love. All my young life, all I ever dreamed of was to find my fated mate. The one person with whom I could share life’s experiences with. And especially now that I am the leader of the Leone pride. Lorena will be my confidant and advisor too. I am decisive and strong, but it is her heart and understanding I need so our members are fully appreciated and heard.”

“Yes, Thomas, listening, above all else. Never set yourself so far up on a pedestal that you can no longer hear the pleas of your weakest soul. The more you rise, the more you must be a servant. Do you understand what I’m saying, my boy?”

“Yes, sir. I do. Mr. D’Augustino, I make you this promise. Lorena will be my queen in all ways. I may be the leader on paper, but she and I will care for this pride together. And I will spend the rest of my life caring for her.”

Alfredo was contended and nodded happily. Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. The men shook hands to seal the deal.

Just then, there was a light knock on the door.

Thomas turned, and his smile came back to life.

“Ah, yes, dear one, come back in. Your man and I have said what we needed to say.”

“Oh, Papa, I hope you went easy on Thomas.”

“Lorena, you are my world. I will not be here forever …”

“No, Papa, don’t say that!”

“Well, it’s life, sweet one. And I needed to know you would be well cared for when my time came.”

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