Page 14 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Hmm, no. Not after you saidcompound.What does that even mean, anyway?”

“Come, and you’ll find out.”

Elizabeth snorted. “My options are an army of black SUVs and a stranger with a compound. What is happening in my life?”

“I mean you no harm, Elizabeth. I just want to help.”

“Why would you do that? It’s not like I have a very high opinion of other humans right now.”

It took him all his self-control not to laugh. He couldn’t exactly just drop that he was a shifter and not quite human. That wouldn’t make her get to him any faster.

“Why wouldn’t I help?”

“I’m a stranger,” Elizabeth replied. “We don’t know each other. Not really.”

“We’ve been on more than a few quests together, and I’ve seen how you play. You watch out for your teammates, and you’re not afraid of biting it for the greater good. That says a lot about the kind of person you are.”

“You can’t be serious,” she gasped.

“Sure I am.”

“You base your entire impression of me on how I behave in a video game?”

“It’s very telling.” He laughed. “My employees do quests with me for that specific reason.”

“You don’t,” she gasped.

“Of course I do. I know that Uri often takes too big of a risk and that Mirabelle is a bit too cutthroat. I’m keeping an eye on them, and if I don’t see improvements, I’ll have to replace them.”

“Because of how they behave in a game?”

He nodded. “It’s never steered me wrong before.”

“You’re insane,” she teased.

“I’m a reclusive gamer with too much money and time on his hands.”

“Yeah, we’re saying the same thing. Stranger, reclusive gamer.”

He threw his head back, laughing. “Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but you’re hilarious, Queenie. Now, am I gonna have to send for you with my own army of black SUVs, or will you agree to come and make my life a whole lot easier?”

“Look, I really appreciate the offer, but we both know that I can’t accept that. It’s way too much.”

“Fine. Tell me how you want me to help you.”

“I don’t know,” she replied after a very long silence.

“Gimme the address, and I’ll send someone. You’re coming, and that’s final.”

“Who?” she was getting more worn down by the second.

“One of Blood Moon Agency’s agents. I would do it myself, but I’m way out of the city. It’ll be faster if Mel picks you up and brings you here. She lives in the city.”


“Yeah.” Though Canaan would have preferred to collect Elizabeth himself, time was of the essence, and Mel was a whole lot closer to Elizabeth than he was. He had to be practical about this and not let his emotions cloud his judgment. “Melissa usually works for my cousin, Axton, but she’s proven to be really skilled with this particular kind of situation.”

“And what kind of situation is this?”
