Page 50 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Canaan is a good host,” she squeaked. “It’s easy to be at ease around him.”

“I’ll bet,” Rylee laughed before leaving the kitchen. “Follow me. We need to do something about your atrociousbedhead.”

Elizabeth patted down her hair in horror. Her long tresses were a mess, but that didn’t mean anything. Rylee couldn’t have guessed what had caused the cloud of knots.

Could she?



Standing outside the courtroom, Elizabeth thought the floral maxi dress Rylee had lent her was a little much. Paired with strappy sandals and a little white shawl, she thought she looked like a teenager going to the beach. Not a career woman with her life on the line.

It wasn’t the look Elizabeth would have gone for. Rylee had insisted that Elizabeth needed to look relaxed and at peace, like the theft and the investigation were nothing but an inconvenience.

“Act as if you’ve already won because, in my head, you already have,” Rylee said with a wink before munching on more chocolate.

“I don’t feel like I’ve won. What if Jordan shows up here?” she hissed. Beside her, Canaan stiffened, and she quickly added, “Not because I’m scared of seeing him, but I might lunge for his eyes or something.”

“None of that,” Rylee chided. “You need to be on your best behavior. I pulled some strings with the law clerks, and I just happen to know that today, Judge Adele Cortez is presiding.” Rylee grinned and wiggled her shoulders.

“Are we supposed to know what that means?” Canaan asked.

“I guess not, but trust me, this is great news for us. Her first husband cheated on her, and she doesn’t like it when lawyers use the wholescorned womantrope to cast aspersions in her courtroom. That will work in our favor.”

“Why?” Elizabeth blanched.

“Because I bet this chocolate bar that opposing counsel will try that play.”

“Won’t they know that Judge Cortez doesn’t like that?”

Rylee smirked. “Nope. Because other lawyers aren’t me, and they don’t have access to that kind of knowledge. I do,” she took another bite of chocolate and rolled her eyes. “Why is this stuff so fucking good?”

“And just how did you come by that knowledge?” Canaan wondered, ignoring his sister’s moment with the chocolate.

“Never mind that. I’m on your side, and that means you are going to win. Now, back straight, shoulders back, smile and be confident.We already won.”

The doors opened, and they were called in. Rylee walked them to the front of the courtroom with grace and confidence, but Elizabeth didn’t feel any of that. Her legs were wobbly, and her stomach was queasy. She wanted to reach out for Canaan’s hand, but it was probably the wrong thing to do.

What kind of image would she project to the judge if she was already hanging off one guy when her ex had stolen from her? Elizabeth toyed with her shawl and hoped that this would be over soon. She sent a look to Canaan, who gave her a head nod and smile. She spotted a twitch of his fingers. He wanted to hold her hand too. She was sure of it.

Elizabeth watched in fascination as Rylee took charge of the legal proceedings. “My client is suing Jordan Darling for stealing her intellectual property. He’s lucky she isn’t pressing charges. She will also be suing EELS for wrongful termination.

“According to the company by-laws, Miss Mooney should have been suspended with pay untilafterthe investigation.” Rylee brought a stack of files to the judge. “This is exhibit A through P, Your Honor. Fair warning, I have a lot of proof that EELS management mishandled this.

“We’ve ascertained that a mercenary company, Fosters Armed Solutions, was hired to remove Elizabeth Mooney from her home a few hours after she was fired. EELS claims this was to prevent my client from skipping town, but again, Your Honor. Miss Mooney was not a flight risk, especially since this was a trumped-up charge. EELS is lucky my client was nowhere to be found, or we would be adding unlawful confinement to the charges.”

The memory of the black SUVs parked in front of her place made Elizabeth shiver. She’d been lucky to leave. Luckier still that Canaan had given her place to stay. What the hell was happening? Why did Jordan want to hurt her so much? Elizabeth didn’t have time to process anything more.

The opposing counsel was whining in a nasal tone. “Your Honor, that is a criminal offense. We’re here for a corporate issue.”

Rylee shrugged. “If you can’t take the heat, little boy, I suggest you get out of my courtroom because it’s about to get a lot hotter.” The judge cleared her throat. “Sorry.Yourcourtroom, Judge Cortez. As you’ll see, Your Honor, this has been a witch hunt to run my client out of her gainful employment.

“The only logical reason? Jordan Darling and the Evanses were covering their tracks. The prosecution will tell you Elizabeth Mooney sold company secrets to the competition out of jealousy. They’d have you believe she’s a woman scorned.” Rylee laughed and rolled her eyes. “My client is a loving and committed relationship with Canaan Wolverton, here present.” She pointed to her brother, whose jaw was clenched down hard.

Elizabeth’s eyes were wide in surprise. Was Ryleelying? In court?

Beside her, Canaan stiffened. His groan was barely audible. Elizabeth tried to catch his attention, but he stared ahead with steel in his gold eyes. This was hardly part of the plan, and Rylee had definitely thrown a curveball.
