Page 23 of The Fortunate Son

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By the time Ivan stepped out of the barn, Harry and Rory were already striding toward the zippy red convertible Harry drove. Ivan stopped and observed Rory’s posture and body language, noting his quick pace, downturned head, and hunched shoulders. Gone was the confident, slow swagger the gorgeous man usually favored. Guilt slammed into Ivan like a fist to the gut. What kind of asshole allowed their hang-ups to inflict so much damage on others? His hastily devoured breakfast threatened to make a return. Acid burned his throat, and the regret tasted awful on his tongue.

Ivan choked it down and forced his feet into action, quickening his pace to a jog so he could reach Rory. He could’ve called out to stop him, but that would’ve grabbed too much attention. As if his giant frame hauling ass across the barnyard didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Ivan could practically feel the curious gazes burning holes into him, but he kept pushing forward. This hang-up was his to deal with, and Rory’s kicked puppy demeanor made Ivan realize just how deep the attention phobia’s roots had dug into his psyche. He should really work on that before the weeds choked out all the light in his life.

“Hey,” Ivan said softly as he approached the car.

Rory stiffened and dropped his hand from the door handle. He turned slowly to face Ivan as he closed the remaining few feet. Rory wore an oversized pair of sunglasses, making it impossible to see his expressive eyes, but his lush mouth was set in a firm line.

“Can we talk a minute?” Ivan asked gently.

Rory swallowed hard, and his body visibly tensed in front of Ivan as if he was bracing himself for a verbal blow. The fierce urge to kiss his lips until they softened and curved into a wry smile caught Ivan completely off guard. He braced his hand on the top of the car to keep from reaching for Rory, but then it looked like Ivan was trying to prevent Rory’s escape.

“I want to apologize,” Ivan said, his voice low and meant for Rory’s ears only.

“You know,” Harry piped in a little too loudly, “I forgot something back at the house. Y’all talk among yourselves, and I’ll run back and get it.”

Ivan knew she was making an excuse to give them privacy, and he reminded himself to pick up a big bag of her favorite chocolate candies the next time he went to town.

Rory didn’t tear his gaze away from Ivan but nodded to acknowledge Harry’s thoughtfulness.

Alone, Ivan gave himself permission to really look Rory over, and that’s when he noticed the beard burn was gone. His lack of control had humiliated him and stirred his possessiveness. Seeing it gone created equally conflicting feelings.

Noticing Ivan’s interest, Rory said, “I borrowed some concealer from Harry for our trip into town.” The corner of his mouth ticked up slightly, and he added, “I’ll take it off when we get back because otherwise, it confirms their suspicions.”

“I’m really sorry I was so careless with you this morning.” Ivan balled his right hand into a fist to keep from caressing the abraded flesh he knew was there. The car shielded most of their bodies from prying eyes, so Ivan relaxed his hand and settled it on Rory’s hip. He circled a spot above the waistband of his jeans with his thumb, wishing there was no fabric between them. “You sure thought fast on your feet this morning.”

A soft tremble rumbled through Rory, and he inched slightly closer. “Still ran you off.”

Ivan swallowed hard. It was so much easier to whisper desires and confess truths in the dark. “Push your sunglasses up. I want to see your pretty eyes.” Rory did as he was told, and Ivan drank in the sheer beauty of the man. “You misunderstood my abrupt departure.” His fingers flexed against Rory’s hip, digging deeper. “Seeing my marks on your skin aroused me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did together and what we we’re going to do later.”

Rory swayed a little toward Ivan, and his relief was evident in his features. “You haven’t changed your mind?”

“Fuck no. Not about any of it. I still want you naked in my bed, and I need your help with the interview tomorrow.” Ivan shifted his hand to the upper swell of Rory’s ass cheek. “My hang-ups are my albatross, not yours. I’m sorry I projected those onto you.”

Rory shook his head slightly. “I fully understand why you established the parameters you did, and I don’t have a problem with it. I’m here to hide away from the press’s scrutiny for crying out loud.”

Old memories tried to intrude, but Ivan wouldn’t let them spoil this sweet moment with Rory.

“And I’m sorry too,” Rory said. I should’ve paid closer attention before coming to breakfast. I have concealer in my kit.”

Ivan narrowed his eyes as a foreign feeling emerged from his emotional toolkit with a bigta-dah! He tried to wrestle the jealousy into submission, but the oily fucker evaded his grasp. “Need to cover up beard burns often?”

Heat flared in Rory’s eyes. “Jealous?”


“Well, we’re even. I didn’t enjoy hearing how you planned to hook up with random guys in Denver last night either. Red flags should be going off. I have no right to feel jealous because I have no claim on you. I don’t understand what’s happening.”

“Maybe we can fuck it out of our systems.” Ivan knew the notion was ludicrous as soon as he suggested it. The level of intimacy he craved with Rory would only bring them closer.

Rory snorted and shook his head. “Doubt it.”

Ivan winked and said, “Get the biggest bottle of lube available from Hope’s store and we’ll give it our best.”

After a shaky breath and another sway, Rory said, “Condoms?”

“Got us covered.” Calmly discussing all the fucking they would do made Ivan restless.

“Psst,” Rory whispered. “You’re eye-fucking me right now.”
