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Justthen,underthesoft lighting, in the dark, I felt Lena freeze. It was like her whole body had shut down. The warmth and passion we shared were gone, and in its place, I felt Lena’s body tense and taut in my arms.

“I …” she said, as the band roared to a climactic finish.

“Lena?” I questioned.

“I have to go,” she said, and her hands slipped free of mine.

Rushing down the steps of the dais, almost tripping, Lena ran off.

“Is she okay?” said Jim Callahan.

“Sure,” I said. “She’s fine.”

But the truth was that I didn’t know. What could have prompted Lena to run off like that, before our wonderful dance was over?

I made my way through the concerned faces in the crowd, across the terrace. But by the time I got to the elevator, it was going down already. Lena was gone.

I jogged back across the terrace, where the party had resumed in full. I gently pushed my way past laughing crowds.

My hotels weren’t just designed to be luxurious and comfortable. They were also designed to be easily traversed. If a guest on the roof terrace wanted something that wasn’t on the menu, or someone needed first aid, there were passages and staircases hidden out of sight for the staff to see to their needs. With the blueprints fresh in my mind, I quickly found the unobtrusive door hidden in an alcove, and opened it, sprinting down the stairs as fast as my legs would carry me.

I ran down to Lena’s floor, and to my surprise, I saw that I’d just arrived after the elevator. Around the corridor, I saw the hem of her dark red dress disappear.

“Lena!” I shouted, but she was gone. I ran down to the elevator and to Lena’s room.

When I got to the door, it was locked. I banged on it, but she wouldn’t answer. “Lena!” I roared, pounding on the door.

“Go away!” said Lena.

“NO!” I said fiercely and banged on the door again. “Open up now! Tell me what’s wrong.”

“He’s here,” said a muffled voice weakly from behind the door.

“Who?” I said.

The door opened, and Lena looked out at me.

“Jared,” she said.

“Jared Ford?” I said.

Lena stepped out of her room, into the dark corridor. She was shaking, and she put her hands up to my chest.

“Alex,” she said, in a low voice. “Jared’s here.”

“I don’t get it,” I said. “Jared who?”

“Why, your brother, of course,” said a familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around, and I was looking into the eyes of my younger brother.

He was dressed anonymously, in a dark evening suit with a black tie. He looked a little ruffled. My brother was a few inches shorter than me and lacked my muscular physique. But he was still a handsome, tall guy.

“What are you doing here?” I said, and I began to feel anger rising in me. So, this was how my brother had decided to say hello to me, after almost a year of barely talking. He’d crashed mine and Lena’s private party, on the eve of announcing himself as my business rival.

“I came to see you,” said Jared.
