Page 10 of One Final Breath

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Chapter 5


Looking down at the text Thane sent earlier as I compare it to a painting in my studio, he’s right. It does look just like the picture. Texting him back, I respond, You’ve got a good eye and send a picture of the painting to him.

“Braxley, it’s time to get in the shower,” I holler.

“‘Kay, Mommy,” he responds, and I start the water for him as he undresses and then hops in. “Can you get my race car pajamas?”

“Sure, I think they’re in the dryer, I’ll grab them now. You be safe, no jumping around. Stay on your rubber mat and wash yourself really well, okay?”

“Mmhmm,” he smiles back at me as I peek at him through the curtain. His grin missing that one front tooth melts my heart.

Racing downstairs and into the garage where my washer and dryer are, I notice the garage door is still open. I press the button to close it, but nothing happens. Looking at the sensors, both are clear, and I try again, but still nothing. Taking the remote from the car, it won’t work either. Frustrated that another thing in this house is broken, I grab Braxley’s PJ’s and dial my dad as I head back into the bathroom.

“You good, buddy?” I ask him.


My dad doesn’t answer, and as I go to leave him a message, his voicemail reminds me that he’s traveling, which I totally forgot about. I hang up and ask Braxley, “Did you close the garage when we got home tonight?”

“I pushed the button, Mommy, just like you told me to.”

He finishes his shower, and I help him dry off and get dressed. “Brush your teeth, and I’ll meet you in your room.”

Going back into the garage to try and get it closed again, I press the button, and nothing happens. I begin to get aggravated and slam my hand against the button on the wall, but still nothing. Looking at the…whatever it’s called on the ceiling; I think Ben once told me there is a rope I can pull to close it. But all I see it a two-inch frayed string.

My phone vibrates, and I see a message from Thane, Could I buy that picture from you?

How about you fix my garage door and I’ll give it to you for payment?

Is it broken?

Yeah, it won’t shut, and I don’t know what to do.

Can you pull on the red rope?

I snap a picture of the remaining rope and send it to him, just as Braxley peeks his head out of the doorway. “All done, Mommy.”

“Okay, baby.” Leaving the garage open, I head inside and tuck Braxley into bed. He hands me a story to read him that he picked out, and I scoot in close. I can come by now Thane texts me.

Thanks, just come in, I’m putting Braxley down.

“All right, you ready?”

He nuzzles against me. His short hair is already dry, and I hold him tightly, loving our story time so much. This is where we get lost in magical worlds, and for a brief moment, that pain of our past washes away. I imagine Ben, sitting on the floor listening to us, just like he used to, and I find peace in hoping that he still does.

“There once was a fierce orange dragon, who lived deep in the forests of India.” I use my best narrator voice as I tell him the story. Braxley stares at the pictures as I read. “He was like no other dragon in the world…he was special and had magical powers. But his powers made the other animals scared of him, so he lived all alone and only went out early in the morning before the other animals awoke and the nocturnal animals were asleep.”

“What does nocturnal mean?”

“It’s someone who stays up all night.”

“Like you, you’re nocturnal, Mommy?”

“No, Mommy isn’t. I just have a hard time sleeping. Nocturnal are animals who sleep all day and are awake all night.”

“Like bats?”
