Page 17 of One Final Breath

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Chapter 8


“Daddy!” Jack exclaims as Faye calls me into her home after I knocked on the front door.

“Hey, buddy, how was your day?” I ask him, giving him a hug.

“It was so good. Mrs. Leeper let me be the line leader again ‘cause I can’t pass out papers with my hand.”

“Ahh, that’s great, how’s it feeling?”


“Ready or not, here I come!” Braxley calls out from the other room, and Faye opens a lower cabinet in the kitchen gesturing Jack inside. He runs and climbs in. She closes the door, right as Braxley rounds the corner. “Where is he?” he asks us, and we both shake our heads like we have no idea.

Braxley wanders off, and I can hear Jack giggling from the cabinet, so I know it won’t be long until he’s found. “Thanks for picking him up,” I tell Faye.

“Are you kidding me? It made it easier than trying to break the two apart. They are practically joined at the hip.”

“They really are.”

“Found ya,” Braxley hollers, yanking open the cabinet, and Faye jumps out of the way, then they run out of the kitchen together.

“How was your flight?” she asks me.

“It was good, smooth—quick—the way I like to fly.”

“I don’t know how you do it,” she tells me.

“Do what?”

“Fly for a living.”

“What do you mean?” I ask her, confused.

“I don’t know what it is about flying, but I’m not a fan, and it’s not because of 9/11 or anything, I’ve been that way my entire life.”

“Well, you’ve never flown with a capable captain then, have you?” I raise my eyebrows to her and watch the tint in her cheeks rise a pitch.

She shakes her head then opens the oven and says, “Dinner should be ready soon.”

“Can you come outside real quick? I bought you something today.”

“Thane, what did you buy me? You don’t need to buy me anything.”

“This I had to. I can’t wait to show you; it’s totally romantic.”

“Hey boys, we’re gonna run out front real quick.”

“Okay,” they call out together.

“No playing with knives or anything,” I warn them, still leery from what happened to Jack.

Walking out front, it’s starting to get warm and feels nice to not need a coat. I unlock my car and open the back. As she peeks inside, both sides of her mouth turn up into a huge smile. “You bought this today?”

“Yeah, I had a couple hours to burn in Cali and thought, ‘I need to get that woman a new garage door opener.’”

“It’s so sweet of you, but you gotta stop buying things for me.”
