Page 30 of One Final Breath

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Chapter 14


After picking up Jack from Char’s house, I don’t know which one of us is more excited to go over to Faye’s. Granted, I was reluctant to leave him with Char while I was out of town, but Faye convinced me to do it, and it all worked out okay. “Did you and your mom have fun, buddy?”

“Yeah, we didn’t do any shopping, Dad. We built Legos and watched movies. It was fun.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.”

“I can’t wait to hang out with Braxley.”

“Yeah? You miss him?” He nods his head, and I’m glad the boys have each other. They’ve become the best of friends. Checking my phone at a stoplight, I still have not heard back from Faye. I texted her hours ago asking if she needed anything on my way, and her silence is beginning to make me nervous.

As we pull up to her house, I put the car in park and tell Jack, “Before we go in, I gotta show you something.”

He unbuckles his seat belt and walks with me to the back of my SUV. I open the hatch, and when he sees the huge oversized beanbag chair, he jumps up and down. “Is that for me, Dad?”

“Yours is at home, but this one is for Braxley. You think he’ll like it?”

“Yes! Is mine the same color?”

“Yup, both are gray, buddy.”

I grab the monstrous beanbag out the back of my car, and Jack runs inside the house. He’s so comfortable here; he doesn’t even bother to knock anymore.

“Knock, knock,” I say, following him inside. But I don’t see or hear Faye.

“Isn’t it cool?” Jack says with Braxley next to him, and I set the beanbag down. The boys jump on it together and sit there for about a half a second before running off. “Where’s your mom?” I yell after them, and Braxley responds, “Painting.”

I walk up the stairs to the studio, and I can see Faye in front of a canvas as soon as I reach the top. Quietly, I stand in the doorway and just watch her. She’s painting something new, and right away, I know why she didn’t text me back. She’s in her flow; her arm is moving continuously as she brings another amazing painting to life.

“Is it the beach?” I ask her, and she jumps, her paintbrush flying in the air.

“Shit, Thane, you scared me.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell her with a grin on my face, as I pull my usual chair up next to her and hand her the paintbrush. She shyly smiles at me, and I wonder if it’s because of what we did on the phone last night.

I don’t want her to be shy around me, so I try and lighten the mood. “Hey, has anyone ever asked you to send them nudes?” My tone is sarcastic, and she smirks slapping my shoulder.

“What? It’s a legitimate thing, that’s what all the cool kids are doing these days.”

“I don’t even want to know how you know that.”

“So has anyone?” I ask her again.

“Just this one guy?”

“Did you do it?”

She nods and rests her head on my shoulder, no longer shy, and I run my hands through her hair before cupping her face, loving that we’ve broken through the barrier that was holding us back for so long.

“You been painting all day?”

She places the brush in the cup of water and lets out a deep sigh.

“Uh huh.” Something is bothering her. I want to turn her towards me and force her to let me in, to tell me what’s the matter, but I’m also scared. I respect her and don’t want to push too hard, too soon…so I wait.

“I took Braxley to the cemetery today,” she finally says, and my stomach churns. I couldn’t imagine doing that. I can’t imagine what she’s gone through, or what it was like for Braxley. He’s so young and trying to process it all has to be a lot.
