Page 43 of One Final Breath

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“Why? What’s changed?”

She turns in her seat, her body towards mine. Pulling my eyes off the road, she’s tempting and provoking me. Looking away, I grip the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white as I hold it tightly.

“I’ve done a lot of soul searching and thinking and looking within myself for what I want.” Her words ring loud and clear inside me, and I hope what she is saying is really true, but part of me doesn’t believe it.

She’s pushed me so far away and has been so cold, that I’m hesitant to open myself up to her again. But she rubs my arm, and her simple touch alone puts my cock at twelve o’clock.

“What do you think?” she asks me.

I go with my gut. Even if things end the way they did last time, it’ll be worth the pain to be with her again. “Can we have dinner, tonight, alone?”

“I’ll have to see if my mother–in-law will watch Braxley, but I should be able to.”

I don’t say anything else to her. I leave things as they are, hoping this is truly the beginning of us again, but also knowing rejection is very possible.
