Page 65 of One Final Breath

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Chapter 31


“All right, this is our last day in Disneyland. What do you guys want to do?” I ask the boys as they are playing a game on my phone together while we ride the tram up to the park entrance.

“We gotta ride Toy Story!” Jack says.

“Yeah, like ten times,” Braxley agrees.

“Okay, what else?”

“Soarin’!” they yell together, and I glance at Faye, wondering if we’re gonna be able to get her on it today.

“No way,” she says. “I’ll get sick; I can’t do simulators.”

“Please, Mommy,” Braxley begs her, and I stick out my bottom lip and say the same thing. “Yeah, please, Mommy.”

She rolls her eyes and swats me on the arm. “Did you guys see that? She hit me,” I exclaim, and the boys begin to tickle Faye.

“Stop!” she hollers, but they don’t give up.

“Say you’ll ride it and they’ll stop.” She laughs so loudly, the other people around us are staring, but we don’t care. We came here to have fun, and that is what we are doing.

“Okay! Okay! I’ll ride it.”

“Yes!” The boys high-five one another, and I wink at Faye as she rubs her side where they just tickled her. “You like my bodyguards?” I ask her, and she sticks her tongue out at me.

The tram comes to a stop, and we get off. Walking towards the park entrance, I nuzzle Faye’s neck, kissing her softly. “We’re in Disneyland, Mama,” Jack says, and I glance over to see him talking on my phone.


Char must’ve called him, and he answered it on his own. “Here, she wants to talk to you.” He passes me the phone, and I press mute. “Go ahead. I’ll catch up,” I tell them. Faye takes both of their hands, knowing if I’m asking them to go that something is wrong. And the second I bring the phone to my ear, I hear Char yelling, “Thane! Thane!”

“Yeah, what’s up? I’m here.”

“For Christ’s sake, are you really in Disneyland?”

“Yeah, why?”

“That’s why you’ve been ignoring my texts. You can’t take him out of the state without my consent! What are you thinking?”

“Don’t patronize me, Char. The judge gave me primary custody for a reason. He’s safe and having the time of his life.”

“That doesn’t matter. It’s part of the custody agreement. You should’ve told me.”

“It really didn’t even cross my mind.”

“But lying and saying he had a birthday party did?”

“I knew you would say no if you knew we were going with Faye and her son!”

“Damn straight I would. I don’t even know her, and you have her watching my son. I could call the cops right now and say you kidnapped him. They’d put out an Amber alert.”

“Holy fuck, Charlene! Calm down!” I rake my hand through my hair, pacing. “There’s no reason for you to even be thinking that. He’s safe with me, and we’ll be home tonight.”

“I want to see him as soon as you’re home.”

“No way, it’ll be late, plus he has school tomorrow. Why don’t you just go shopping or something? I just paid your Amex card so you should be good, it’ll make you feel better and forget about all this!”
