Page 68 of One Final Breath

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“Not for you to be in my house,” Thane says, pissed, and I don’t want them to fight. I want to help settle things between the two of them.

“Just calm down,” I tell them both and walk up to Char, who has a disgusted look smeared across her face.

“Don’t tell me to calm down,” she snickers.

“I’m not trying to cause problems,” I tell her.

“But you are. You’re with my son more that I am and I don’t even know you.”

“Then get to know me. My name is Faye. It’s nice to see you again,” I tell her and outstretch my hand in a friendly gesture. She stares at it like I’ve got the plague, but I don’t falter, I wait for her to take it. I know this isn’t going to be easy, but I’m in this for the long haul with Thane, and part of that means getting to know his ex.

And finally, to my surprise, she delicately takes my hand in hers as tears gloss over her blue eyes. “Nice to meet you,” she stutters.

Thane is silent, and I ask her, “Would you like to have a glass of wine and talk?”

“No, I should go, I just needed to make sure my son was okay.”

“I think you should stay.”

In the kitchen, I can hear Thane getting the wine, and I direct her to sit on the sofa. She places her hands on top of her lap and asks me, “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Because I know how much that little boy means to you.”

“He’s everything to me,” she says, and Thane hands us each a glass of wine. I set mine down, making sure I stay clear and level-headed. She takes a sip, the tears in her eyes slowly dissipating.

“I know—he’s amazing.”

Thane sits in the chair across from us, propping his feet up on the coffee table as he swigs his beer. I give him a quick glance, and he returns my gesture with a wink.

“I’m sorry we were late, it’s my fault.”

“No, don’t be. I was just nervous that’s all.” She’s warming up to me already, her breathing is slowing, and I can tell by just sitting here that she’s going to be okay with things.

“Char, I want you to know I’m not here to take your place. Jack loves you so much, and nothing will ever change that. But with Thane and I together, that means the three of us have to learn how to cohesively work together. Thane?” I call out to him, and he looks like he’s in a trance. “That means you have to keep Char in the loop when it comes to Jack.”

“I’ll do a better job, but Char, I’m still worried that you’re going to go back to your old ways.”

“Will you stop saying that and please just give me a chance? This time it’s different, our little boy was hurt because I was so wrapped up in a stupid shopping habit. I won’t go back to that place, no matter what, I promise you.”

As I observe the two of them talk, I don’t think they realize how lucky they are to have one another to lean on for Jack. I don’t have Ben anymore. If I did, even if we were divorced, I’d do everything in my power to respect him. Losing him has given me an entirely different perspective on so many things.

“Okay,” he agrees with her, and I hope he will give her a chance. I don’t know Char from Adam, but the one thing I do know is a mother’s love is powerful, and when your child’s existence is put into jeopardy, everything does change. It happened with me when I lost Ben. I was so scared I would fail raising Braxley or even lose him too. It caused me to become obsessed, but I quickly found out, it’s not healthy or a good way to live. I know better than anyone that each day is not guaranteed, all we have is each moment—each breath—and now I cherish my life more than ever.
