Page 72 of One Final Breath

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“No, you won’t!” Thane snatches it down, and tears open the box handing me the stick.

“Are you sure?” I ask, and he coolly sips his beer waiting for me to take the test out of his hand.

As I walk off with it in my hand going into the restroom down the hall, I can hear the guys talking. This was not the way I envisioned this going. I thought Thane and I would talk about it first and take the test together. Now, here I am alone in an empty bathroom.

“You done yet?” Braxley bangs on the door.

And I about jump out of my skin, or maybe it’d be better if I just jumped out of the window. “Just a sec,” I holler, and I can hear the three of them laughing in the hallway.

Lifting my dress up, I pull my underwear down and remove the cap. But I can’t pee. Of course, I can’t.

“Done yet?”

“NO!” I bellow and then they start knocking repeatedly on the door.

I shake my head, the hugest smile on my face, and finally, I pee, soaking the tip of the stick. Placing the cap back on it, I wipe and wait for the results, but the boys will not stop banging, so I open the door, and Thane asks me, “What’s it say?”

“It’s not done yet.” He yanks the test out of my hand, and I stand frozen.

The boys chase him, trying to get to it and he runs off into the living room. I follow, nervous as hell, knowing in the next few moments my life could forever change. Whether it’s positive or not, we’re gonna have to talk about starting a family, and I told him before I didn’t think I wanted more kids.

“Let me see, let me see!” the boys clamor and Thane says, “Calm down, let’s all look at it together.” They sit on the couch as still as they can. But I can’t sit, I just pace—waiting.

“Be patient,” he says as their little legs rock back and forth. Braxley is on one side of him, and Jack is on the other. All of them are staring—looking down—waiting to see if our future will have another child in it. A child of mine and Thane’s.

The waiting feels like forever, and I find myself chewing on a fingernail.

Then a smile bigger than ever comes across Thane’s face, and I take in one final breath.
