Page 51 of Kiss To Salvage

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The words are out of my mouth before I can think better of them, making them stop in their tracks. My tongue darts out, sliding over my lips as I meet their gazes.

“What? It’s true,” I shrug, trying to play it off, but regret the movement almost instantly.

“You seriously need to stop moving, doll, before I tie you to that damn bed,” Prescott growls. He grabs the remote for the bed and presses a few buttons. There is a soft buzzing as the top part of the bed starts to lift.


Nixon lets out a long groan, “I do not need this shit in my life.”

“That’s payback for all the mushy stuff I had to suffer through with you and Yas.”

Before he can answer, the door to my room opens, and the nurse walks inside. “It seems like somebody woke up,” she says cheerily as she stops at the bottom of my bed, looking at the chart before checking the monitors. “How are you feeling?”

“She’s in pain,” Prescott says before I can even open my mouth.

The nurse moves closer, picking up my wrist and monitoring my pulse, then scribbles something down.

“I’ll go and grab some pain meds and call the doctor to give you a look.”

“Can’t you…” Nixon starts, but I give him a death glare before shifting my attention to the woman. “Thank you.”

The moment the door closes behind her, I look at the two of them. “You have to stop this. It’s irritating.”

“We’re just worried about you.”

“And I appreciate it, but you’re being annoying too. Let them do their job.”

“We’ll try.”

I let out a sigh, “I guess that’s the best I can ask for.”



“Wentworth!” Coach yells the moment I enter the gym. “My office. Now.”

Running my hand over my face, I let out a sigh. Some of my teammates that are in the gym give me wary looks, but I ignore them as I follow after Coach.

I didn’t want to leave Jade in the hospital, but she and her doctor insisted that Jade was doing well and she’d probably sleep the rest of the day since they hooked her up on more meds to help manage the pain. So there was no need for us to stay huddled in her room.

Besides, Yasmin promised she’d visit her with her other friends after her classes concluded, and it’s not like we can all stay in her room anyway.

“Where the fuck were you yesterday?” Coach bellows the moment I close the door behind me, and then, not giving me a chance to answer, he continues: “I specifically told you to work with Gage, but you up and left without a backward glance. What kind of example does that set? Co-captain ignoring my instructions, fighting with his teammates, and missing practices. I should bench your ass right this moment.”

“I went to the hospital.”

The man’s eyes narrow at me, so I lift my hands in the air in surrender. “It’s not an excuse. If you want to bench me, go ahead and do it.” It’ll suck, but God knows I deserve it. “I wanted you to know where I was.”

“What hospital?” His eyes go instantly to my leg. “Don’t tell me you messed up your leg again.”

“I— no. I went to find Nixon.”

“Nixon?” If possible, his frown deepens.

I shift my weight from one leg to the other. “Jade and I…” I feel the heat rise up my neck. Ducking my head, I rub the back of my head and shrug.

Talk about awkward.
