Page 45 of Kiss Me Tenderly

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Until it’s not.

Strong hands slide around my waist, and I’m startled out of my music-induced haze. I turn over my shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of pine and sandalwood as he presses his lips against my earlobe. “Play for me, Birdy.”

* * *

I startle upright, my breathing ragged and the soft hairs on my arms raised. I can still hear his husky voice in my ear, feel the press of his hand against my stomach and sense the warmth of his breath on my skin.

Tingles run down my spine, making me shudder.

It was just a dream.I shake my head, irritated with myself for thinking of him even when I’m not awake.

I might have closed the door on him last night, but I couldn’t push out of my mind everything that had happened, what he suggested.

I can help you with the list!

It was absurd to even think about it. His proposal was outrageous. I didn’t need his help with the list. That was the whole point of making it—so I could do it for myself. And yet, I kept tossing and turning for hours after I laid in bed, his words rolling in my mind on repeat. It didn’t help one bit that I now knew he lived here.

In this building.

Henry rolls over, nudging my hand with his snout until I give him a rub, but of course, that’s not enough, so he gets up and moves up the bed until he’s licking my face.

“Okay, okay, okay,” I giggle. “I’m up. Siri, what’s the time?”

“It’s nine twenty-eight in the morning,” the robotic voice replies.

“Damn.” Pushing the covers back, I slide my feet off the bed. “We have to get moving, Henry.”

After they moved out of the building, the girls and I made a pact that once a week, we’d meet at Macy’s for brunch so we could catch up, and if I didn’t hurry, we were going to be late.

Exiting the room, I go straight for the kitchen, Henry at my heels. Putting the pod into the coffee machine, I start it as I give Henry some clean water and food. Once the coffee’s made, I go back to my room and go straight to the closet. I shift through the hangers and test the material so I know what item of clothing I’m picking before checking the color label Kate helped me engrave into the middle of the hanger. Grabbing a flowery dress and a plain black cardigan, I quickly change before going to the bathroom across the hall.

I splash some water on my face and grab my little makeup bag. Because yes, even blind girls enjoy putting on makeup. Moisturizer, a little bit of foundation, mascara, and a swipe of my favorite cherry lip gloss later leaves me with just enough time to get to Macy’s on time.

Grabbing my bag from the chair, I call out: “Henry, harness.”

I can hear his paws scratch against the hardwood as he goes to do as I said, meeting me in the hallway just as I’m slipping on my flats. Fastening the harness, I open the door, and we head out into the hallway.

But just as I’m locking the door, I hear the sound of a key turning behind me.

When did somebody move in next door?

As soon as the question pops in my mind, I realize my mistake.

“Well, if this isn’t a nice surprise,” Sebastian says, his voice all low and gravelly, like he just woke up from a deep sleep. Who knows, maybe he did.

“Or just a weird coincidence.” Goosebumps spread over my skin as I hoist my bag higher and turn around. “Were you waiting for me?”

“If I wanted to come to you, I’d just knock on your door. It’s not like I don’t know where you live.”

“Right. Well, then I’ll leave you to it.” I tighten my grip on the harness. “Henry, exit.”

Henry obeys the command, but I can feel the heavy footsteps walking behind us. I expect Sebastian to say something, but he keeps quiet as he trails after us.

Okay then.

If he isn’t going to say something, I won’t either. Taking the stairs, we get to the first floor, and I push the door open. The early September sun warms my skin the moment we step outside. Taking a moment to bask in it, I tell Henry to go to Macy’s. We’re already out on the sidewalk when I realize Sebastian is still tagging along with us.

“What are you doing?”
