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She couldn’t explain it. It was like the residents of the island wanted her to feel at home here. They’d have no idea the pressure it took off her to walk in and find the place not only up to date, but clean. Pretty. Welcoming... not to her but to the patients.

“It wasn’t just me,” he said.

“So Roseann told me. I still appreciate all the work you did. I heard you were the one that spearheaded pretty much the whole project.”

“For selfish reasons,” he said.

“Really? What were they?” she asked as she ate the club sandwich.

“It takes too much time to bring the dogs to the ferry. What took me forty minutes total of my time to bring Doc in the other day from the garage would have been a half a day with a ferry ride. It’s one more thing that makes it hard to get people on this island.”

“And takes away from you running your business?”

“That too,” he said.

She was watching his large hands that held his sandwich. His mouth that took a bite and chewed.

She had to be sex deprived to be thinking those things, but it’d been close to eight months at this point since she’d been touched by a man.

Well, that was the last time, but it’s not like it was often before that. Not after Josie came into her life.

What she found odd was she hadn’t thought of that once until she met Carter and had no idea why this man kept popping into her head.


Be Like Him

“What is this I hear you had dinner with a woman the other night?”

Carter turned to look at his cousin Alex Bond standing in the doorway. He hated how fast things spread on this island.

Though he’d been looking for people that he knew when he was out with Avery, he hadn’t noticed anyone.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t noticed though.

“The new vet on the island wanted to take me to dinner to thank me for all the work I did at the clinic.”

Alex laughed at him. His first cousin was a fireman and not at the firehouse today. He was here bright and early and reaching for his coveralls to get ready to see what work had to be done.

“That sounds more like it.”

He wasn’t going to say much more. If he would have liked that to be a date with Avery, he kept it to himself.

She’d said she wanted to thank him for the work and she did.

When the bill came he’d reached for it to pay and she all but slapped his hand that had him pulling it back as if Dopey were trying to get a steak bone from his fingers.

“She’s nice,” Carter said. “She’s filling up with appointments fast and it’s good to see. You know the island needed it.”

“Sounds like there is a lot more that you aren’t letting on. Has to be someone young and good looking for it to get back to me.”

“Who told you?” he asked. And he hoped it didn’t get back to his mother, but he figured it might.

“Just one of the guys at the firehouse. He saw you leaving with the woman.”

“Not much more to say. Her name is Avery Keegan and she’s new to the island. If you read any of the news you’d know that.”

Alex waved his hand, a charming smile on his face. His cousin used to be one of the biggest playboys on the island, but he was in a serious relationship now with Jennie Zale.
