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A Life Lesson

“How come you won’t tell me what we are doing today?” Josie asked Avery on Saturday.

It’d taken her a few days to figure out what to say to Josie even though she knew she was having Carter come over with his dogs for the day.

“Because it’s a surprise,” she said.

Carter would be here at four. He was working until three, then needed time to go home and clean up. She knew if she told Josie earlier that Carter would be here with Dopey and Doc, then she’d be hearing “When are they coming?” all day.

So the two of them got up, went to the store to get groceries, came back and put everything away, did their chores and cleaned the house.

They had lunch and Josie had been in her room painting and she’d been thankful that Josie hadn’t asked until now what the surprise was.

“I’ve waited all day for my surprise,” Josie said. “Can you give me a hint?”

She reached for Josie and pulled her into a hug. “I can. You’ve been so good about it all and I’m ready to tell you anyway.”

She was waiting for Carter to text her that he’d gotten out of work and she knew he’d be here within the hour.

Josie was jumping around. “Am I getting more art supplies?”

She frowned. “Do you need more?” she asked. “You have to tell me when you’re low.”

“I don’t want you to spend the money,” Josie said. “I know everything costs so much.”

She let out a sigh. She’d have to tell Josie a little bit about having money. Maybe if she said things in general it would help. “Josie, I don’t want you to worry about money ever. Your mother left you a lot of money. You’re too young to know it all now, but one day I’ll tell you when you’re older. Just know, that you should never worry about telling me you need or want anything. And when it comes to art supplies and clothing and everything else, that is on me. You’re my daughter now. I can take care of you and what you need. You know that.”

Avery knew money had been tight at times with Colleen and maybe Josie had sensed that.

“Really?” Josie asked. “I’m your daughter?”

“You are, honey. I’d never ask you to call me Mom if you don’t want to. You had a mother we both love very much. I’m not replacing her, only stepping up to continue what she’d done.”

Josie nodded her head and knuckled a tear away. This wasn’t the conversation she wanted to have before Carter came over but sometimes life couldn’t be controlled and you had to take advantage of your opportunities when they arose.

“I might someday,” Josie said. “But I like calling you Avery too. It’s a pretty name.”

She smiled. “Just like Josephine is too,” she said.

“And I know my middle name is Avery,” Josie said. “Because my mom said you were her sister. Not by blood but by bond.”

It amazed her how this little girl could remember things Colleen said at the time when she needed to hear it the most.

“I am, don’t you forget it. But what I wanted to tell you, I hope you are excited about.”

“More than new art supplies?” Josie asked.

“More than that,” she said. “We are going to have some visitors tonight. They will be here soon.”

“Who?” Josie asked. “I like visitors. We need to get the nice plates out and maybe make a dessert. Do we have time to make a dessert?”

She was laughing at how much Josie sounded like Colleen at times when it came to entertaining.

“I thought you could help me make brownies again. The last time this person was here you made them and he liked that.”

“Carter is coming?” Josie screeched and then started to jump around the room. Betty was getting wound up and it was best that both of them got it out of their system now.
