Page 11 of How to: Hide a Baby

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It was clear from their attitudes that they were taking this situation very, very seriously. Luc removed his driver’s license from his wallet and handed it to the policewoman. “Perhaps an explanation is in order?” he suggested with a quick smile.

Grace waited for Officer Cable’s reaction to that smile. It wasn’t long coming. She fumbled his license, effected a swift recovery, then made a production of recording the information on her clipboard. A spot of color appeared high on each cheekbone. Luc didn’t even notice.

But then, he never did. Grace sighed. He’d bowl them over like ninepins and never realize they’d fallen. To his credit, it wasn’t calculated. He simply loved women and treated every last one with a devastating courtesy and warmth, the way he’d explained earlier. Without question, she considered it his greatest charm and her own greatest weakness.

“I think an explanation would be very helpful,” Hatcher interrupted, keenly attuned to his partner’s reaction. He strode across the room, firing a quelling glance at Cable. Somewhat chagrined, she reverted to a more professional demeanor.

“I believe you met my brother Brando Salvatore when you were downstairs,” Luc began.

“He was the one involved in the altercation with the young woman?”

“A small family squabble,” Luc said dismissively. “We’re a very, shall we say, emotional household.”

“What is the young woman’s relationship to him?”

“His wife.”

Grace’s mouth fell open at the blatant lie, the first she’d ever heard him utter, and a tiny gasp escaped before she could prevent it. She stared at Luc in disbelief. He never blinked an eye. Nor did he look at her. But Officer Hatcher did. Grace quickly shut her mouth and focused her attention on the baby, but she suspected it was too little, too late. Sure enough, he approached.

“You have something to add, Ma’am?”

“It’s Barnes. Grace Barnes. And yes, I do. Could you hand me that diaper bag? I believe we’ve had a little accident here.”

The officer’s eyes narrowed but he didn’t call her a liar to her face, which came as a relief. He bent down and picked up the bag. She took it with a grateful smile and gently deposited the baby on top of Luc’s desk, smack dab in the center of his leather blotter. Serve him right if she ruined it, she decided. He shouldn’t have lied to the police. She unwrapped the blanket around Tony and made a production of unsnapping the bottom of his jumper.

“To get back to the matter at hand,” Officer Hatcher continued. “Could you supply the young lady’s name?”

“Carina Donati Salvatore,” Luc replied.

“And she left to go to the airport?”

“Yes, her mother in Italy is very ill. My brother asked her to wait until they could all fly together, but she wanted to get home as soon as possible. I’m sorry you had to be involved.” He shrugged. “It really wasn’t necessary.”

“About the baby,” Officer Cable interrupted. “You’ve been left with the infant until your brother returns?”

“It’s only for a few hours.”

Grace kept her head down and removed a fresh diaper, wipes, and powder from the bag. She struggled to unfasten the diaper tabs. Tony seemed determined to fight her, his little legs plumping and churning away.

The officers conferred in low voices and she could tell they weren’t comfortable with the situation. So could Luc, who sighed. “Look. I’m a responsible man, respected in the community. I’m babysitting my nephew for a few hours. Why is that a problem?”

Grace slipped off the heavy diaper, definitely wet, took one look at the baby, then glanced, wide-eyed at Luc. Uh-oh. If she didn’t move fast, something very nasty would hit the fan. Tossing the dirty diaper toward the trash can with one hand, she fumbled for a clean one with the other. To her horror, it slid to the floor.

“Would it help if I provided references?” Luc offered.

“You have someone who can vouch for your babysitting abilities?” Hatcher retorted. Clearly, he resented Cable’s less than professional reaction toward Luc and intended to make matters as difficult as possible. “You look like a busy man,” he added, his gaze suspicious. “Are you sure you can provide adequate care?”

Grace saw the fierce expression appear on Luc’s face and froze. That look did not bode well for any of them. He glanced at her with grim intent, then at her left hand and she knew, before he even moved, what he planned to do.

Without a moment to lose, she whipped a new diaper from the bag, dropping it across Tony’s lower extremities the exact same instant Luc draped a possessive arm around her shoulders. Fighting his embrace, she struggled to position the diaper to cover strategic areas.

“Cara,”he muttered. “Let me show them.”

“Not now!” she whispered frantically.

“Yes, now.” He grabbed her left hand and held it out toward the police officers. “Perhaps I should have said my fiancée and I are babysitting little Tony.”

“Luc, the baby,” Grace whispered. He frowned at her, and she snatched her hand from his grasp. “I have to finish changing... him.”
