Page 21 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“Feel free to change her,” Luc agreed. He came up behind and dropped his hands onto her shoulders. “But you aren’t going anywhere. Not tonight. And not tomorrow night, either.”

She didn’t dare turn around. She knew from long experience what that tone meant, heard the determination and the intensity that roughened his voice. She’d never yet won an argument when he spoke like that. Still, she had to try.

“You can handle Toni on your own. You don’t need me. I’ll return first thing in the morning and—”

His hands tightened and he forced her to face him. “No. You promised to stay until Brand or Carina returned, and I intend to hold you to that promise.”

She’d promised Luc’s father she wouldn’t become personally involved with him. Seemed her promises weren’t worth a plugged nickel these days. “I shouldn’t stay. It’s not—”

“Proper?” He laughed, the sound harsh and empty of humor. “Do you think I give a damn about what’s proper? I care about that baby you’re holding. I care about doing what’s best for her. What I know about infants can be summed up in one word.Niente. Nothing.”

She frowned. “I don’t know much more than you. Besides, you’ve learned the essentials today. You know how to change her, how to feed her. Surely you can get through one night without me.”

A strange look glittered in his eyes. “I might. But why should I? I want you here, right beside me, helping to make sensible decisions.”

“Hire a professional nanny,” she suggested in desperation.

He shook his head. “Too risky. I don’t want to chance the police becoming involved again. It’s only for another day or two. Soon Brand and Carina will return for Toni and everything will get back to normal.”

Grace cuddled Toni close, inhaling the sweet aroma of powder and formula and baby. He was wrong. Things would never get back to normal. Her life had been irreversibly altered. She could only hope it would all work out in the end. That Brand and Carina would return. That Toni would be reunited with her parents. That Luc could be held at a safe distance. And that Dom would never learn of her brief indiscretion.

But most of all she hoped she could escape with a whole heart and that her brush with insanity wouldn’t have any lasting repercussions. Because she knew that when it came to women, Luc couldn’t be trusted. Besides, she had a dream to fulfill, a promise to keep. She wouldn’t allow Luc or anyone else to distract her from that goal.

“I won’t touch you again tonight,” Luc said unexpectedly. “You’ll be safe here with me. I swear it.”

Safe? Not likely. She glanced down at Toni and her shoulders sagged. She really didn’t have any choice. If she hadn’t been able to abandon the baby earlier, she certainly couldn’t do it now. What she could do was make sure she didn’t share any further intimacies with Luc. She’d hold him at a distance. She could do it. She’d had more than eleven months of practice accomplishing precisely that. The few remaining weeks would be a cinch.

“All right, I’ll stay,” she agreed.

Satisfaction glittered in his eyes. “You can sleep in one of my shirts. And I’ll bring you a spare robe and a toothbrush. There are only two bedrooms. Do you want the baby tonight or should I take her in with me?”

“I’ll care for her tonight, and you can cover tomorrow,” she said, her reply conceding there would be a tomorrow night.

He nodded. “Fine. There’s a bathroom adjoining the guest bedroom. If you’d like to grab a shower, I’ll watch the little stinker.”

“Stinker?” A tiny smile escaped before she could prevent it. “Diapers are in the hall.”

With that, she headed for the bathroom. In minutes she stood beneath a hot, relaxing spray, rinsing away the tension of an unbelievably stressful day. Wishing she could stand there forever, she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and reluctantly turned off the shower. Returning to the bedroom, she found a silk shirt and robe spread out on the bed.

Dressing quickly, she brushed her wet hair. She’d have to get another bottle of brown rinse and soon. Already she could see the natural gold gleaming through the muddy shade she’d used for the past year. Another shampoo or two and this part of her disguise would be uncovered, as well. And what would Luc say then?

She shuddered. It didn’t bear contemplation.

A soft knock sounded on the door. “You decent?” Luc called. At her affirmative response, he came in carrying Toni. “I’ve changed her and offered a bottle. She didn’t seem very interested. If you’ll take her, I’ll bring in the portable crib.”

In short order, he had them settled for the night. Grace stood in the middle of the room, uncomfortable beneath Luc’s watchful eye. From the expression on his face she was fairly certain her disguise was shot to pieces. Not that it hadn’t been when he kissed her. Touched her. He had to realize she wore clothing several sizes too big. Standing before him now, wearing nothing but a clingy shirt and a silk robe, there couldn’t be a doubt in his mind.

“Is there anything else you need?” he asked softly.

She shook her head, the damp curls swirling about her neck and shoulders. “Nothing, thanks. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“No question about it. But if you do need anything at all, don’t hesitate to come and get me.” His smile held a dangerous edge. “And I do mean anything.

She lifted her chin and gave him a cool look. “I can cope.”

“Goodnight, then.” He started to close the door, then stuck his head back in. “Oh, and Grace?”

She stared at him warily. “Yes?”
