Page 33 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“You got it.”

“Mum’s the word.”

“Not a problem,” Matteo assured. “Oh, hello, Mrs. Bumgartle. Were we being too noisy again?”

A long, sharp nose poked around the doorway opposite. “This time I’m calling the manager. He’ll take care of you hooligans. See if he doesn’t!”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Bumgartle,” Luc said, crossing the hall to speak to her. “My brothers were just leaving. You won’t hear another sound out of them.” He threw a stern glance over his shoulder. “Right?”

She peered at Luc, then at his brothers, her eyes narrow with dislike. “Hooligans, the lot of you!” And with that she slammed the door.

“Whoo-hoo,” Matteo said with a chuckle. “I do love seeing Mrs. Bumgartle. It reminds me there’s one woman on this planet you can’t charm.”

“Two women,” Dante corrected. “You’re forgetting about Cynthia. Remember? The tall, gorgeous brunette? Totally immune. She could freeze Luc dead in his tracks with one look.”

Soren slapped Luc on the back. “Don’t worry, big brother. Two out of millions. We won’t hold it against you.”

Luc grinned. “Get out of here, before I knock some heads together. I’ll let you know when I hear from Brand.”

The four trooped toward the elevator and Grace lifted the baby to her shoulder. “I think that’s enough excitement for one day. Time for bed, young lady,” she announced and slipped back into Luc’s apartment.

Across the hall, the door opened again. “Good night, Mrs. Bumgartle,” Luc called cheerfully. The door crashed shut and with a shrug he followed Grace into the apartment.

“Did you speak to her about yesterday?” she asked, moving over to the picture windows in the living room. “I don’t want her to put the wrong connotation on anything she might have overheard.”

He shook his head. “I never got the chance. It doesn’t matter. She makes empty threats all the time.”

Grace frowned. “Still . . .”

“Forget about Mrs. Bumgartle.” He came to stand next to her, dropping an arm around her shoulders, wrapping her and the baby in a protective embrace.

She gazed at the window, fascinated by the image reflected there. They might have been a real family. Luc towered above her, elegant and broad-shouldered in black trousers and a pullover sweater. Her soft green skirt seemed to cling to his legs with a life of its own. And Toni gurgled, her arms pumping the air as though trying to catch hold of him.

“Tell me, Grace.” His hand slipped along the nape of her neck and he caught a fistful of streaked curls in his hand. “Is it my imagination, or is your hair lighter?”

She stiffened against him, hastily ducking to press a kiss to the top of Toni’s head. “Does it seem lighter?” she asked in a muffled voice, tufts of soft black hair tickling her lips. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“Don’t play games with me, Grace.” His voice acquired a rough, impatient edge. “You’ve been tinting it. Why?”

She shrugged. “It’s a woman’s prerogative, isn’t it?”

“To go from gold to mud brown?” he asked derisively. “Of course. It makes perfect sense.”

She attempted to step free of his arms, but he still held her hair and for a moment she didn’t think he’d let go. “I’d like to put Toni down,” she said quietly.

He instantly opened his hand, releasing her. “I’ll help.”

She knew better than to argue when he used that tone. She inclined her head in agreement and led the way to the guest room, fast being converted into a dream nursery. A changing table now stood near the gleaming white crib, both special deliveries from a nearby furniture store. Next to the changing table hung a Toys-a-Trillion pet net, a triangular hammock that attached to the wall and held every conceivable stuffed animal.

Laying Toni on the changing table, Grace wound a music box to keep the baby entertained while she took care of the lengthy process of putting on dry diapers and slipping a wiggly baby into pajamas. She opened the top drawer and pulled out diapers, vacillating between a pretty pink nightie and one in a yummy lime green. The green, she decided, setting her choice beside the baby.

“Why don’t you sleep in my bed tonight,” Luc suggested

Grace started, jamming her finger in the drawer she’d been in the process of closing. “Ouch!” She glared at Luc, holding up her wounded finger. “Look what you made me do.”

A lazy grin drifted across his mouth. “You want me to kiss it better?”

“Not a chance.” She gave her full attention to getting Toni ready for bed. “And just to clarify, when I said not a chance? It was in response to both of your requests. You know I won’t sleep with you. I’m engaged.”
