Page 43 of How to: Hide a Baby

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She considered the viability of his request, a frown creasing her brow. “Very well,” she said. “I still have to do some routine investigation of your situation. It would help if you’d provide references, both financial and personal.”

“Done. Will that take care of it?”

“Not quite. If you can get a letter of consent from the mother, a copy of the baby’s birth certificate, and a medical permission slip in my hands by the end of the day, then I’ll recommend Toni be returned to you.”

“Returned tonight?”

She smiled. “I’ll do my very best. If she is, a case manager will be assigned to check up on you. You realize that even when Ms. Donati returns this won’t be over, don’t you? In the eyes of the law, she abandoned her child. We take a very dim view of that.”

“She’ll have the support of the Salvatore family. And she’ll have her husband’s support.”

“For her sake, I hope you’re right.”

A few minutes later, Ms. Cartwright left. Luc grabbed Grace, wrapped his arms about her waist, and twirled her around until the room spun in a dizzy arc. Before she could recover her equilibrium, he gathered her close and kissed her. It was a kiss meant to celebrate a success. But for Grace it was so much more. His mouth slanted over hers, consuming her, filling her with a desire so strong she shook with it. She should be thinking about Toni. Instead, far different images filled her head, mainly of Luc sweeping her up and carrying her off to his bed, stealing away her clothes, and mating his body to hers. The kiss deepened, pulling her under until she no longer could tell right from wrong. She just wanted more.

But apparently, Luc didn’t feel the same way. He ended the kiss, laughing down at her.

“We did it!” he announced jubilantly. “Didn’t I tell you everything would work out?”

“Yes, you did,” Grace murmured, clutching his shoulders.

But she wasn’t anywhere near as confident. Time to face the hard, cold facts. Her feelings for Luc had undergone a drastic change. Worse, not only were their lies compounding by the hour, her commitment to Luc and the baby grew exponentially. How could she possibly face Dom and claim she’d kept her part of the bargain when she’d become so involved in this situation with Toni?

With Toni? Hah!

What about Luc? She closed her eyes. If she were honest, and she had to concede that honesty was something in disastrously short supply these days, she’d admit she’d become very involved with Luc.

If she didn’t get out of this situation soon, she’d lose everything. Baby Dream Toys, for one. But far worse, her heart—assuming she hadn’t lost it already.

Toniarrived safely back at Luc’s apartment by dinner time that evening and all Luc’s brothers were there to celebrate her return. Dinner proved to be loud and rowdy, not that Toni seemed bothered by the noise and confusion. If anything, she reveled in it. Wearing a frilly pink dress and a matching bow, she charmed one uncle after another with her full repertoire of baby coos, babbles, and toothless grins. It wasn’t until after she’d been tucked into bed and the gathering started to break up that trouble began.

“This is an interesting addition,” Matteo proclaimed loudly. He snatched Grace’s hand and examined the wedding band decorating her finger. In ten seconds flat, Luc’s brothers had her surrounded.

“Is it real?” Dante demanded.

“You didn’t marry that Will-William guy, did you?” Angel questioned in a disapproving voice. “He’s not good enough for you, Grace. Not if he makes you dress like a bag lady.”

Before Grace could answer, Luc cut through and snagged her elbow. “The wedding band is there because I put it on her finger,” he announced, tucking her close to his side.

Dead silence met his explanation. Then Soren said, “You never answered Dante’s question. Is it real?”

For a moment Grace thought Luc would lie. She poked him with her elbow to discourage any such plan. “Don’t you dare,” she muttered. “I’ve had my fill of fibs.”

He stared down at her, his eyes glittering with devilry. Shrugging, he admitted, “No. It’s not real.”

“Yet?” Soren suggested with a lifted eyebrow.

Luc ignored him. “The people at social services believe it is real. If anyone finds out otherwise, we’ll lose Toni. So keep your mouths shut.”

Angel’s face was a study in confusion. “When did this marriage business start? I thought you guys were just pretending to be engaged.”

“That’s for the police. Get with it, bro, and follow the logic.” Soren ticked off on his fingers. “They’re boss and assistant at work, engaged for the police, married for the baby people, and just good friends in front of us.”

“You guys ever consider scorecards? This is getting confusing,” Angel complained.

Matteo’s eyes danced with deviltry, his expression reminding Grace forcefully of Luc. “What I want to know is which category they fall into when they’re alone with Toni.”

“Maybe they don’t fall into any category,” Dante suggested. He fixed his dark, bad boy eyes on Grace. “Maybe they fall into the nearest bed.”
