Page 47 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“I told you I was sorry.” Luc replied in English this time. He sounded remarkably calm. “Why didn’t you let us know you were coming?”

“I wished to surprise you for Thanksgiving. I called the office. They said you were working from your apartment. Why is this?”

“It seemed like a good idea at the time” came his dry response.

There was a long silence, and Grace could almost see Dom mull over Luc’s answer. “You have a woman here, am I right?” he demanded. “That is why you slam the door in my face. Where have you hidden her?”

Grace shrank back, tripped, and tumbled to the floor next to the laundry basket. She gripped her fingers together and prayed they hadn’t heard her. She prayed even harder that Toni wouldn’t wake up and bellow in annoyance.

“Actually, I have two,” came Luc’s cool response. “A blonde and a brunette.”

Grace held her breath, waiting for Dom’s reaction, waiting for him to explode, or come and ferret her from her hiding place. An instant later she caught his bark of laughter.“Due.That is a good one. I almost believe you.”

“You want to check the bedroom? I have them hiding in there. The closet, to be precise.”

It was all Grace could do to keep from shrieking. Was he crazy? Luc’s question seemed to hang in the air for endless minutes. Then Dom sighed. “I apologized for that little incident,” he grumbled. “The young lady forgave me, even if you did not. I wish to change the subject. Where is Grace? I asked for her at the office and they said she was out, as well.”

“I gave her the afternoon off. She’s been working very hard lately.”

“She is a good girl. I am very fond of her.”

“There’s certainly more to her than meets the eye.”

Dom chuckled. “I think your words are more true than you realize.”

“Don’t count on it,” came Luc’s risky reply. “But enough about business. How was your trip to Italy? We’ve missed you.”

Their voices grew fainter, dropping to a gentle rumble, and Grace curled up on the plush rug next to the laundry basket. That had been close. If Dom had walked in and discovered her... She shuddered. It would have meant the end of her plan to open Baby Dream Toys.

Not that it didn’t anyway.

She dropped her chin to her knees and sighed. One thing she did know, she couldn’t avoid Dom forever. What would she say when they met? She couldn’t very well pretend this year had gone off without a hitch. She’d have to be honest with him, tell him what she’d been up to the past ten or eleven days.

If he chose to hold her to the letter of their deal, she wouldn’t argue. After all, she’d been the one to break their agreement. She remembered Luc’s passionate kisses with a wistful longing, forced to admit she’d broken the agreement more than just a time or two. Once in possession of all the facts, Dom would be well within his rights to refuse to set her up in business. And she’d accept his decision.

But what about Luc? She bit her lip. She didn’t doubt he’d realize the real reason for her disguise, discover her motives had been less than pure. It was inevitable that Dom would tell Luc the truth. How would he react when he found out? She closed her eyes, stifling a groan. She knew how he’d react. Those gorgeous golden eyes of his would ice up. Her job as his assistant would be over. His offer for a management position would vanish like dust in a high wind. And their affair would end before it ever began. Just as it should.

She fought back a sob, smothering the sound against her knees. Time to face facts. At some point she’d fallen hopelessly, helplessly in love with Luc Salvatore. And as much as she should care about the loss of Baby Dream Toys, she cared more about losing Luc.

Sitting there on the closet floor—alone and hurting—she faced the death of all her dreams. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t prevent a scalding tear from drifting down her cheek.

Chapter 9

The Great Lie

Day 346 and Grace’s situation can’t get any darker. Or can it...?

Lucsurreptitiously checked his watch as he escorted Dom to the door. “It’s great having you home,Papà.Thanks for dropping by.”

“It is very good to be home. I decided to return early so I could have the whole family over for Thanksgiving dinner.” He paused in the entranceway. “Would this be convenient?”

“Terrific. Just terrific.” Luc opened the door.

A young woman dressed in a business suit, with wire-rimmed glasses perched on the end of her nose, stood there, poised to knock. “Oh, my goodness,” she exclaimed. “You startled me.” Recovering swiftly, she held out her hand. “Hello. I’m Ms. Carstairs,” she announced. “I’m your—”

“My masseuse!” Luc greeted her loudly. Grabbing her hand, he yanked her into the apartment. “At last!”

“No! I—”
