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“You got it.”

“Mia—” Brand began.

Before he could finish whatever he’d planned to say, asoft, panicked cry came from deeper in the garden. Instantly, Soren’s head jerked in that direction. He swiveled back to face them, stabbing a finger in their direction and ordered, “Stay here. Don’t move.”

Without another word he took off at a dead run. For such a huge man, he moved with impressive grace, disappearing into the darkness. Brand chuckled. “Well, sweetheart, Ibelieve that’s our cue to get the hell out of here before Mr. Fix It switches from warrior/protector mode back to enforcer mode.”

“So, we’re not going to stay here and not move?”

He laughed at her sarcasm. “Hell, no. We’re going to get married.” He grinned down at her. “You ready?”

“What about when he resumes his mission?” Mia asked, glancing nervously in the direction Soren had gone. “I get the feeling he’s sort of like a heat seeking missile. Once he’s locked on, he keeps going until he finds his target.”

Brand shrugged. “By then, it’ll be too late. You’ll be my wife.”

Brandtook Mia’s hand in his and ushered her from the garden. After checking with one of the attendants stationed in the doorway leading inside, he led the way to the library off the main ballroom. Acounty clerk sat behind a massive oak desk processing marriage applications. Her nametag read, Dora Scott, and she’d propped a sign next to her that announced, “For faster service, never, ever,everfeed me hors d’oeuvres.”

“Never ever, huh?” Brand asked.

“Ever,” Dora emphasized. “Every time they throw this party, Igain ten pounds. Not this time. No, siree.”

“In that case, we’d like to get married.” He spared a swift look over his shoulder. “Fast, if you don’t mind.”

“Someone competing with you for your bride’s hand?” Dora cast a swift glance past his broad shoulders.

“Something like that.”

“In that case…” With impressive speed, Dora whipped through the formalities. The minute she completed the paperwork, she handed them a pretty blue-and-white envelope. “Give these forms to whomever you choose to officiate the ceremony. The gold sealed certificate is a souvenir for decoration only. You can frame it, hang it on your wall, or throw darts at it for all I care. But it’s not a legal document, so don’t go trying to palm it off as one.”

“Got it, thanks.”

She used her pen to point toward the door. “The salons are right through there. Each offers a different ceremony. Feel free to pick whichever one appeals.” She paused. “And do me one favor.”

Brand inclined his head. “Certainly. What do you need?”

“It’s not what I need. It’s what you need to do. Each year there’s a few special couples I say this to. Ican tell you’re one of the special ones. So here’s my wish for you. Love has a hard time getting through barriers, so let go of all the walls you’ve built up and just give in to love.” Dora gestured toward the door again. “Now get out of here before the competition shows up.”

Brand turned without a word, fighting the urge to make a cynical comment. Let down his barriers? Not going to happen. In Dora’s words, “never, ever,ever.”He had no interest in letting love in. Been there, had the scars to show for it. He didn’t dare look at Mia. Did she feel the same way or had Dora’s advice gotten to her? Unable to help himself, he glanced down and flinched.

Hell. Ahint of sorrow marred her expression. “Mia? Are you sure about this?”

She simply nodded. “Positive. This marriage benefits both of us. Dora was just being sweet. Don’t take it personally.”

“I was more concerned that you might take it personally.”

A stoic expression settled across her lovely face. “No. I’ve learned not to do that anymore.”

He wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. Without a word, he shoved open the first door they came to. It was an ornate room in a rich, ruby red. Scented candles overpowered the area and without comment, he closed the door again.

“Let’s try again,” he suggested.

“It was a bit over the top, wasn’t it?” Mia’s small grin fanned his reassurance.

He was doing the right thing.

He opened the next door and paused. Okay, this might work. For some reason the room reminded him of Mia, awash in cream and gold twinkling lights. The dark blue walls interior walls had been hung with white trellis bathed in climbing vines covered in lavender flowers and greenery, and a trail of granite steppingstones lit by lanterns led the way to the altar.

The skylights opened to the night sky allowing the moon and a blazing trail of stars to radiate down on them. It was a midnight garden. It soothed him, calmed him. Allowed him to draw a deep, relaxing breath. He glanced at his bride-to-be, curious to see her reaction. She offered him a radiant smile.
