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“The hotel gave away my room. This was the only one left. They didn’t even charge me extra.” She spared him a brief glance, then looked away, warmth sweeping into her cheeks. “Fair warning, it only has one bedroom.”

Apparently, Brand didn’t have any difficulty reading between those lines. “Sounds perfect, although there are a few matters we need to discuss before we turn in.” He paused a beat, then added, “And I still want an answer to my question.”

“What question?”

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

The unrelenting demand in his words caused her to fumble with the card. He plucked it from her fingers and, with the ease of long practice, slipped it into the slot. After a soft chime, the light turned from red to green and the lock released. Brand leaned into the door, pushing it open with his shoulder and propped it open with his overnight luggage. The ache in her knee worsened, and she hoped she wouldn’t collapse before she made it to the couch.

He regarded her for a brief moment, seeing far more than she wished. “There will be many unconventional aspects of our marriage, wouldn’t you agree?” he asked, studying, studying her expression.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Which means it’s extra important we remain honest and open with one another.”

Oh, God. How could she agree to that? She hid so much from him already, with Carina and that unforgettable Halloween masquerade party topping the list. At least, it had been unforgettable forher.

“We’ve spent an entire three hours together this evening, and we’ve walked away married,” Mia said, leaning her weight against the door frame in an inconspicuous attempt to hide her pain. Aspectacular failure since this man appeared fluent in reading her moods, which completely disconcerted her. When had she become so transparent? “Can we just take this one tiny step at a time? Idon’t think nervousness is an unreasonable emotion, do you?”

“Let me get one thing right tonight,” Brand insisted. “Then we’ll address your concerns and worries. Fair enough?”

Mia nodded in agreement, uncertain what he planned to do. For a man who had been so adamant about their relationship remaining strictly platonic, all business and function, he’d grown very unpredictable. Where had Mr. Logic gone? The depth of difference between them ran deep, but something unexpected bridged those differences. In this moment, he was her husband.

Brand carefully swept her off her feet, carrying her across the threshold. His solid chest cradled her, his arms wrapped firmly around her, supporting her aching leg. The solid thud of his heartbeat revealed his steadiness. Though she expected him to drop her on the other side of the door, he continued to the large white settee near the fireplace, where he gently lowered her to the thick, cozy cushions.

After fetching his suitcase and securing the door latch, he returned to slide a footstool over to her. Kneeling, he removed first her left shoe and then her right, depositing both of her stocking-clad feet on top of the padded stool.

“I have been accused of many things by my older brothers,” he surprised her by confessing, his brilliant golden eyes acquiring a tarnished cast. “Bullheadedness. Single-minded to the point of destruction. Overly logical. And they’ve been right more times than not. But tonight, Iwant you to know I am in your debt. For all my faults, Ihaven’t been able to brute force my way through my daughter’s pain. I’m forever grateful to you for trying, regardless of the outcome.”

She leaned forward, daring to touch his shoulder, her hesitation ridiculous considering they were married. “Brand, Iwant to help. And just to be clear, you’re not indebted to me. You’ll never be indebted as far as I’m concerned.”

Determination filled her. Toni would know the love of her mother through Mia, even if she never revealed their shared lineage or Carina’s flaws. As for Brand, she simply could not endure the notion of his discovering how they’d initially met, of their one evening together all those years ago and his ultimate rejection of her after meeting Carina. She’d cling to the thought of the night they would ultimately make love, the night of seduction he’d agreed to. That would be enough. It would have tobe.

“Would you like a drink while we discuss what’s next?” he asked.

What’snext?Mia couldn’t help darting a quick glance toward the bedroom door, her thoughts instantly going there. Asingle bed, granted a king bed, but still… One bed. The two of them.Thingshappened, even in a king bed. Delicious, sexy,marriedthings.

“Sounds good.” To her relief she sounded reasonably calm and composed. Was Brand suppressing a smile? Had he guessed where her thoughts had gone? “A drink sounds good, Imean,” she clarified.

“Alcohol or coffee?” Yup. Definite smile flirting with the corners of his highly kissable mouth.

“I think I’d just like some water. Still, not sparkling, please. Anything else will probably keep me awake.” She knew the request for still water betrayed her years living in Europe.

Brand caught it, too, and grinned. “Ice?”

“Please. Just out of curiosity, whatisnext?” A pregnant question if ever there wasone.

“I think we should talk about moving forward from here.”

“Okay.” Her earlier nervousness returned tenfold, amplifying and vibrating through her once again. “I’ll start. Where are we going after this and how will we get there?”

“San Francisco.”

“Convenient.” She offered a stilted smile. “I live in the Bay Area, too.”

He stilled, her drink in hand. That fascinating eyebrow lifted again. Did he find the coincidence suspicious? “Do you now?”

She nodded. “Oakland.”
