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He tapped quietly on the door. Not receiving an answer, he cracked it open to peek inside. He found Mia curled up in bed, her shoes kicked off haphazardly on the floor and her long, curly hair tumbling wildly around her. Based on the puffiness of her closed eyes and the slightly runny mascara lines, it didn’t take a genius to realize she’d cried herself to sleep.

Guilt burned heavily through him. He picked up the blue chenille throw draped across the back of a nearby chair and tucked it around her. Her generous curves hugged the fabric in a way he found far too appealing, given the current situation.

Turning his back, he wrote a quick note and left it on the bedside table, switching on the lamp so Mia wouldn’t wake to a strange, darkroom.

Taking Toni to cool off at our favorite pizza place. Iowe you several slices. Will be back around 8 pm with dinner, and will put our little one to bed. Feel free to explore the house while we’re gone. —Brand

Mia hadn’texpected another visitation dream, though she probably shouldhave.

Anna stood next to the sink, drying her hands on her apron. “Well, this is a surprise! How wonderful! Ididn’t even put on a pot of coffee. How was the ball? Did you take my advice?” Her smile softened into one of concern. “What’s wrong,ragazza dolce?”

“Oh, Anna!” Mia launched herself into the older woman’s arms. Afeeling of warmth surrounded and enveloped her, like the hug of an old friend. “It’s Toni.”

“Darling, Iknow. I’ve been watching. Iplay coy at times, but I know. She’s a beautiful girl, that poorbambina.” Anna tightened her embrace.

“Just like hermamma.” The words were choked, painful.

“Yes, just like yourcugina.”

Mia lifted her head to study Anna’s expression. “Did you know I would meet Brand at the ball? That everything would lead me here?” An odd sense of certainty warned that her ghost friend was gently coaxing her life along this path. And it frightened her.

“I did. You’re needed here.” Anna released Mia from her tight embrace, the lines of her face revealing her inner worry.

“For Toni?” Mia wiped her damp cheeks on her sleeve, biting her lip against any further tears.

“For Toni. And for you and Brand. Be patient and allow yourself to be part of his family. It’s the only way to help everyone involved.” Sincerity infused her words, like the taste of vanilla in that first bite of warm biscotti.

“Brand brought me here to help, but he doesn’t know who I am or how I’m connected.” All of Mia’s concerns spilled out in a raging torrent, leaping one over the other. “How can I be part of the family if I’m no more than a helper or teacher for his daughter? And on top of all that, he wants me to leave when this is over.”

The feeling of rejection followed her like a cloud. Though Brand had pursued her, then brought her here, she knew it went against his better judgement. Why else would he frame the proposal with an exit strategy?

“Brand, bless his silly pointed head, doesn’t realize what’s in store for him. Any more than you do,” she added pointedly. “The one thing he got right was marrying you. Trust me,ragazza dolce. You are exactly where you are needed. Toni, for all her looks, embodies the best parts ofbothof her parents. She’s going to need someone who can help her blossom.”

“Do you think Carina knows I’m here?” Mia held her breath, waiting for the answer.

“Oh yes, darling, she knows.” Anna smoothed the hair back from Mia’s face in a motherly gesture.

“Is she okay with it?” If she wasn’t, what would Miado?

“More than okay. She’s part of it all.” Her eyes twinkled and a knowing smile teased at the corners of her mouth.

“How am I supposed to make this work?” Mia felt the edges of her dream beginning to fade, like a page being turned in abook.

“A lady never asks, and a ghost never tells.”

“Wait! What exactly is that supposed to mean?” She was desperate for an answer. Ahint. Aclue.

“You are everything you need to be. Just be yourself. That’s all, darling. Take the risk.” Anna let go of her hands and turned her back, returning to her dishwashing.

Mia’s eyes popped open to the darkness of early evening, and the smell of warm vanilla fading from the air. Someone had turned on the bedside light, Brand at a guess, and she stretched, comforted by this latest visitation. She also appreciated her reprieve from biscotti and coffee at 3 am the last couple of nights, but wished she had both in hand now. Her tummy growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

She unfurled from her toasty nest, wondering where the blanket had come from. Brand again? The cobalt blue reminded her of the ocean back home, the vibrant color glowing in the dark. She glanced toward the bedside table and saw Brand’s note, which confirmed her guess about the blanket and light. The large red numbers on the alarm clock read 7:30. That meant she had thirty minutes before he returned.

Mia considered her options. There was time to walk around the house and discover the nooks and crannies on her own, but it felt so invasive. Voyeuristic. Like looking in the windows of a home recently vacated, the couch cushions stillwarm.

After a moment’s debate, she decided she’d wait for Brand and let him show her around. In the meantime, she’d visit the palatial master bathroom in order to clean up from her bout of weeping.

The white tile and marble were immaculate with an orderly scattering of masculine detritus. The garden tub and large shower stall both held bottles of soap and shampoo. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she shuddered. Her hair was a mess, her mascara-streaked face worse.

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