Page 103 of Demanded Submission

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He cocked his head. Whereas I expected amusement or even a stern look, his expression was so serious that I was even more terrified. “Baby. Did anyone ever tell you that patience isn’t your virtue?”

The wind continuously whipped hair in my face and I was ready to yank it out at the scalp. “More than once. Just tell me what’s wrong. Please?”

“Do you like it here?”

“Here? You mean the beach? Your house?”

“That and in Miami. Or would you prefer to return home?”

I hadn’t anticipated the question. He deserved a decent, well thought out answer. “If you’d asked me this just after meeting you, I would have said I was a fool for moving here. But now, I can’t imagine being anywhere else. I want to make this my home.” I placed my hand on his chest, taking a few shallow breaths. If I was going to make a fool of myself, I might as well go full force. “You’re my home. I know we haven’t known each other for very long. I’m infuriating to you at times, but I think you understand that I haven’t been grounded in a long time.”

Jameson seemed pleased with my answer, rubbing his fingers across my shoulder. “I do realize that and I’m glad you consider me a part of the home you desire to be in.”

“Where is this going?”

He finally chuckled, although the sound was full of an emotion that I couldn’t read. “We’ll continue to work on patience. I didn’t tell you that Pamela’s attorney sent me a letter a couple weeks ago.”

“What did it say?”

“I didn’t open it until this morning. I was hoping to put an end to a chapter of my life before continuing another and one that quickly became so important to me.”

My stomach was instantly in knots.

“I’m glad you did. It’s none of business what it said. If you need time alone, I’ll understand. I’ll get another place to live.”

He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, holding me exactly where I was. “I don’t want you going anywhere, but it’s your choice to make.”

I wasn’t certain where he was going with this at all. After kissing my forehead, he backed away, reaching into his pocket. When he handed me an envelope, my entire body began to shake.

“You have your entire life ahead of you. I want you happy and comfortable with every decision you make. I refuse to hold you back, Alexandra. Not now. Not ever.”

I took a few seconds doing nothing but gazing into his eyes. Whatever was inside the letter could hold a valid reason I’d want to leave him. The thought terrified me. I struggled to pull the envelope into my hand, taking a sip of wine before opening it. I was aware he was watching me intently. Then he turned back toward the water, one hand in his pocket, the grip of the other around the crystal firm.

As I read the first few lines, I wasn’t certain why he was concerned. Then I flipped to the second page and my heart stopped.

When I’d lost my brother, that’s when I’d realized how precious life truly was. It was a gift and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. People came into your life often by happenstance, creating a life-altering event. That’s the way I looked at this moment and the man standing a few feet away.

If my car hadn’t totaled and a big he-man hadn’t opted to save the day, this moment wouldn’t have occurred. I was lightheaded, uncertain about our future with a single exception. I’d meant what I said now more than ever. He was my home, my family.

And our future would be as bright as we made it.


As I rushed toward him, he seemed surprised when I rose onto my tiptoes, wrapping my arm around his neck and whispering in his ear, “I love you.”

* * *

Two weeks later


I love you.

Alexandra had whispered those words several times over the last two weeks, but the moment on the beach was one I’d always remember. It had meant a change, an acceptance and hope for a future I never believed possible.

I kept my hand on her leg as I drove. We both remained quiet. She’d gotten the job at an elementary school closest to the house, which would work out beautifully. At least she wouldn’t be starting for another three weeks, which would allow for some additional time.

She’d been a godsend, helping me accept the required changes, making the house more of a home for all of us. I had no idea what I was doing, but I suspected with her help, we’d muddle through just fine.
