Page 30 of Demanded Submission

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“You don’t need to be sorry for protecting yourself, Alexandra.”

“They insulted me.” She snapped her head up, looking for some hint of salvation for her act. “But I can tell I did the wrong thing.”

“I employ people to handle unruly customers.”

“Then why did you do it?”

“Because I won’t allow anyone to treat you that way.”

Her smile was brief, her eyes imploring. Goddamn it, I wanted this woman.

“Alexandra,” I stated firmly, expanding on the moment by lifting her chin with a single finger. Her eyes shimmered, searching for acknowledgment. I nodded, offering her a smile. “You are a very good girl.” The hard pull to the girl was strong enough I found myself lost in the moment. The entire situation was ridiculous. She was now my employee, something I couldn’t forget. I’d been the one to insist that no fraternization rules applied across the board. I stroked her jaw, her breathless response exactly what I was looking for.

The few words of praise brought light to her entire face, a smile to her lips. It was amazing what a single compliment could do. My balls tightened from the thought.

“Thank you, sir.” Her voice was subdued, which was another surprise. I expected her fury, not her compliance. Even if what I’d commanded hadn’t been planned.

“Get to your feet,” I told her, taking the drink from her hand, guiding her to a standing position. The touch was as electric as before, perhaps more so.

She chewed on her bottom lip as she obeyed, still eyeing me carefully. She was a nervous wreck, which I couldn’t blame her for. In any other business, my direction would be considered sexual harassment. In this environment, allowances were made, even expected depending on the position within the company. Several submissive women and men were employed for members without guests. However, I wasn’t that kind of man, not during business hours.

“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t know. No, that’s a lie. Jagger told me he’d take care of rude guests, but the jerk caught me off guard.” She seemed slightly confused by her words, uncertain what she was saying was respective of her needs. The sudden look of denial regarding her wants was almost immediate.

“He won’t be allowed to bother you any longer. We’ll talk about club rules later. Come. Sit down with me.” If anyone else in the club had witnessed my initial interaction with her, they’d think I’d lost my mind. I never mixed business with pleasure. Every employee knew me to be tough but fair, unyielding on the rules.

Christ. Here I was thinking about not only breaking them but smashing them to oblivion.

She was stiff but obeyed my order, moving to one of the couches, sitting on the edge, her discomfort evident. That’s when I noticed the colorful straws added to my drink. I had no doubt she’d added them at the last minute. She was playful and had a flair for the dramatic. I already adored her kick-ass nature, yet it was her vulnerable side that called to me.

I eased down on the chair, studying her intently. “What do you think about my club, other than being accosted on your first day?”

Almost immediately her demeanor changed, her face lighting up as if I’d just opened Pandora’s Box. In a way, I had, allowing her to be herself likely for the first time in her life.

“It’s incredible. The lights. The energy. The power exchange. The music. Everything is spectacular. I heard this is your design?”

She leaned forward, more excited than I’d seen anyone when venturing into the club for the first time. “It is. A long time ago a couple buddies and I thought it would be a good idea. We never imagined the success or good fortune.”

I took a sip of my drink as she scanned my office, taking note of every piece of art, the various pictures on my walls.

“Is that the three of you?”

There was no need to glance over my shoulder. “Yes, when we were much younger.”

“You’re all very handsome.” She chuckled slightly. “Of course, you most of all.”

She had a way about her that made me laugh. “Of course.” When her face flushed, my cock twitched all over again.

“Mr. Stark. I would like to see Carnal Sins. Please. I need to learn every aspect about your world. I want to experience everything. I know that sounds crazy but I’m so curious. Granted, I’ve never done anything like being caged or beaten but there’s a first time for everything.” She seemed reticent in her words, a stark difference from less than thirty minutes before. It would seem I made her nervous.

“Only certain members enjoy the art of caging their partner, usually in the privacy of their home and no one is beaten inside my club. That’s not allowed.”

“Oh. I… I know I sound naïve, but I don’t think we had a kink club in Billings. And I doubt a single cowboy, including my worthless ex-boyfriend would be caught dead in one.”

Her innocent answer made me smile. “My guess is that there are several of them in every state. Often their locations are by word of mouth or private websites. And you’d be surprised how many cowboys have memberships.”

“See. I don’t know shit.” She laughed at herself, pressing her hand across her mouth. “Maybe I can try something. Maybe something simple. Oh, God. What am I saying?”

She reminded me of myself when I’d finished the first design, so eager to show off the intricate details to my buddies. Her freshness was a welcome change. “I’ll gladly show you the private side of the club. However, you’re not ready to experience anything just yet.”
