Page 79 of Demanded Submission

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I could tell by the smile on his face that I’d pleased him. When he helped me out of the car, wrapping his arm around my waist, I’d never felt so cared for or protected in my life. Maybe moving to Miami wasn’t such an irresponsible decision after all.

“Mr. Stark,” the girl behind the counter said. “We’ve been expecting you.”

She spoke English, her accent lovely. The shop was beautifully decorated with colorful photographs of tattoos from clients, and other art to inspire designs and creations. It was bright and clean, leather sofas in the corner of the room with what had to be design books placed on a glorious coffee table.

“My beautiful Alexandra is very special,” he said in response.

The girl turned her attention to me, her smile remaining. “We’ll take very good care of her. Would you like to be in the room while the piercing is done? We can have your ink done at the same time.”

“Absolutely. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

As we were led into another room, I realized I was holding my breath.

“I’ll need you to remove your dress. Don’t worry. You can have a sheet to cover you. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable, just let the technician know. We want this to be a pleasurable experience for you.” The girl guided me to a small room to change and I almost panicked. This was the craziest thing I’d ever done in my life.

“I don’t know anything about this,” I admitted.

She patted my arm. “My name is Julie. I didn’t either. My dom was insistent and I almost ran out of the store. But now I wouldn’t consider going anywhere without my piercings. Would you like to see them?”

Heat rushed to my face, but I nodded. She wasn’t shy about lifting her top, exposing her diamond-studded nipples.

“You’ll have a wide variety of choices once you heal. Your master was very specific in his selection. You won’t have any issues. Just come out when you’re ready.”

“I’m not having my clit pierced today?”

Julie laughed. “That wasn’t listed on the instructions. I have that as well. It’s very sexual. I hope your master will allow that one day for you. You won’t be disappointed.”

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. Ready. Would I ever be ready to let go of the past entirely? After taking several deep breaths, I removed my dress. Already braless and wearing only a thong, I stood in front of the small mirror, studying my breasts. They were considered voluptuous yet fit perfectly in his hands. I squeezed them, pinching my nipples until pain forced me to wince.

My nipples were already hard, aching from our rough round of passion. I tried to imagine what the sensations would feel like once they were pierced. The strangest thing of all was that I no longer recognized the girl in the mirror. She’d grown by leaps and bounds, her eyes sparkling and her skin flushed from excitement.

There was never a dull moment being around Jameson.

I took another minute before grabbing one of the sheets folded on a shelf, tying it around my waist. A rush of embarrassment forced me to fold my arms over my chest as I left the dressing area.

As soon as I exited, Jameson lifted his head, the desire in his eyes sending a wave of adrenaline into my system. A single look from the man caused my pussy to clench and release.

An older man entered the room, conversing with Jameson in French. I only knew a few words from my high school French class, but I could easily tell the technician was being instructed to take good care of me.

Or else.

“My name is Pierre. Please move to the table. This won’t take very long.”

I did as requested, unable to take my eyes off Jameson as he removed his shirt, moving to another chair as someone else entered the room. I’d never felt so exposed yet free in my life. As I leaned back against the incline, Pierre adjusted it then studied my breasts.

“At any time if you’re uncomfortable, just give me the word and I’ll stop. You’ll feel a pinch from pain but that will go away quickly. Are you ready to begin?”

Was I? “Yes.”

He nodded, adjusting the swinging light overhead. As he pulled what looked like an antiseptic bottle into his hand, I sucked in my breath. Pierre was gentle, taking his time cleaning both nipples. When he pulled a marker into his hand, I almost laughed from nervousness.

His grin was kind, as if knowing I was struggling with embarrassment. Then he marked a spot.

“Now, I will clamp your nipple to make it easier. You’ll feel some pressure.”

I nodded, uncertain I could find my voice.

Jameson never took his eyes off me, piercing mine even from the distance.
