Page 158 of Abduction

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Of course, Zayn was going to be the first to go there. That was just how he rolled.

“Uh, are the mosquitos bad out in the bars at this time of the year?” Zayn asked, busting his balls because that was what Zayn did.

Remington looked over.

“What?” the man asked, confused.

Maura cleared her throat and let him know what the man was talking about.

“Remmy, you have a hickey on your neck-y and it’s a doozy.”

That was all it took.




All the way there, he’d been thinking about what went down with Calyx and his moment in her office, and what the next step needed to be.

He’d been out of the game for a long-ass time, but suddenly, he felt…better.

Remmy never thought to look at his appearance in the car mirror.

He’d been so happy to relive that moment over and over again in his head.

He felt free.

Now, he was about to get a slap of reality from a bunch of cocky Marines who had no sense of ‘no kiss-and-tell’.

Here they went.

Let the jackassery begin.

“We’re not going to do this, are we?” he asked.

All the men began laughing.

But of course, they were going to point it out. Whenever someone got laid in this house, it became a whole conversation like they’d all scored.

Last he looked, it was his dick.

Not the community one—Zayn.

“Let’s not,” he said.

Only, it was too damn late.

“Someone broke his sexual fast. Where’s the bourbon?” Rogue asked. “We’re going to celebrate. Our man is back on that wagon, and living his best midlife crisis.”

Immediately, Remington flipped him off, but didn’t look nearly as pissy as a man who hadn’t had sex in ten years, which was a good sign.

For all of them.

It appeared that someone decided to heal and stop fighting it.

Calyx had been just what the Marines ordered.
