Page 237 of Abduction

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“I’m sorry that I’m the cause of this,” Ethan said. “If you need me to, we can stop talking and I can give you as much space as you need. I don’t want to ruin your life. I don’t want you to lose people you love because of me.”

Gene’s heart hitched.

“Please don’t. I need someone right now. My legs have been kicked out from beneath me. The man I was going to marry just changed the game, and I’m not able to adjust that quickly. If you leave me, I’m really alone. You’re all I have right now. Please let me hold on.”

He understood.

“I’m just saying that if you need me to, I’ll understand.”

Gene reached for his hand that was nearby and twined their fingers together.

What he needed was Ethan.

He needed his only friend and the one person who always had his back. When they’d broken up all those years ago, he walked away and had to set him free. Oh, over the years, he’d watched his rise to the top, and fall from grace. The whole time, Gene had been there when he reached out.

And he had been too.

Gene had been there when Timothy had died and he’d gone to the funeral, sitting there in the large assemblance, saying nothing. That had been a hard day for a few reasons. He hated seeing Ethan mourn, and he’d been forced to know that the man had moved on.

He'd found love again. He was back with his brother, and where he’d craved being. Oh, he wasn’t jealous. He was glad Ethan was happy.

He just missed him.

What they had for those seven years was special, and it never ended in anger or rage. It was just a mutual thing where they both let go.

Over the last twelve years, Ethan spoke to him weekly. They stayed in touch, through his job, his breakup with Elizabeth, and then his rekindled love.

They’d always been friends.

They’d been more than just lovers.

They’d been partners.

“It’ll be okay, Gene. You’ll get through this, and when you do, you’ll figure it out. I’ve got your back through this.”

He was curious.

“What would you do?” he asked, referring to the situation.

Ethan laughed.

“I’d fuck it up royally. I think we both know the answer to that.”

It made him snort.

“Yeah, well, you were always the sexiest masochist I knew when it came to relationships.”

Wasn’t that the truth?

It wasn’t funny back then, but he could get his giggle on over it now.

“Thank you for talking to your wife about letting me come back. I know she might say no.”

He planned on handling that when she came to the hotel.

“I will when I see her.”

He was appreciative.
