Page 283 of Abduction

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“Children, focus,” Maura said. “We need to hit this location. After dark. If a mercenary was going to go in, he wouldn’t do it in daylight.”

All of the Marines agreed.

“Learn how to use the tech,” Maura directed. “We need to see what’s in that building.”

Maybe they’d get lucky.

Or maybe not.

They were going to find out.

Either way, this next chess move was theirs.


Chapter Seventeen


Sun Going Down

In Deep Shit

T hey’d been walking for what seemed like hours. When you were waist-deep in the swamp, wading around with all kinds of creatures, that was never going to be fun. In fact, it was anything but.

It sucked.

Only, when they’d barely gotten away, heading deep into the protection of the thick bayou, there were other dangers.

Remmy was carrying her, and she knew that he was risking his life. He was bleeding, and they needed to get attention to his wound.


“I can walk,” she offered.

Oh, Remington was aware, but still, he refused to put her down. He was doing battle with his own head, knowing how close they’d come, and being very uncomfortable about it.

He’d lost Karen and Kelsy.

There was no freaking way that he was losing her too.

“I’m good,” he said, even when he knew he wasn’t. He was getting weaker, and what they needed was a place to go to get out of the water.

He was bleeding, and they were leaving a trail behind them in the swamp for the gators. They had some guns, but…

Gators were the alpha predator in here. He’d rather be taken down by one than being forced to watch Calyx get pulled under.

That was why he was carrying her.

“The sun will be setting soon. We have to get somewhere dry,” she said.

He was aware.

“Are you angry with me?” she asked when he wasn’t speaking to her. He was staring straight ahead, focused.

“No. We have miles to go to get out of here.”

Oh, boy.
