Page 285 of Abduction

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“Check to see if we have any bars,” he said as he kept walking toward the West.

She did, and there was nothing.


Damn it.

“Okay, we’ll be fine,” he said, knowing he needed to get a text out to Jagger. If they could just get one bar, they might be able to be rescued.

“I know we will be. We can do this,” she said.

He stopped dead in the water as a poisonous water snake slithered by, stopping to look at them.

He was going to take the bite if it came toward them. There was no point in both of them being injured.

When it kept going, he was relieved.

“Remmy, I think there’s a shack over there,” she admitted.

He looked toward where she was pointing, and saw the top of some metal roofing poking out through the trees.

And that would be the hunter’s cabin.

He moved that way, navigating the bramble and the downed trees.

As he got closer, he saw it was a shack built on a platform.

They would be safe there.

He placed Calyx on the decking, and just as he was about to jump up, she saw what was coming.

“Gator!” she shouted, as the eyes were coming right at him.

Using all of the strength that he had left, he somehow managed to boost himself up with her pulling him onto the platform.

The gator missed him by inches.

Remmy laid there breathing heavily.

“I hate the swamp,” he muttered.

She understood.

When she went over to the cloudy windows of the cabin, she peeked in.

No one was there, and while it was sparce, it was shelter as the sun set.

At the door, she wiggled the knob, and it was locked.

Remmy dragged himself there, and leaned against the door.

“We have to get you in, out of those clothes, and have your wound stitched up.”

He was aware.

“Do you still have those bobby pins?” he asked. “I don’t think I can muster the strength to kick the door in.”

She did.
