Page 66 of Abduction

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As his wife.

He hoped Storm was ready. The ride was far from being done. Now the journey really kicked off.

Don’t do it! If you marry her, she’ll destroy you. WAKE UP! God! Please wake up! Don’t fall for her even more. She’s going to be what kills you.

Only, dream Gamble was stuck in that loop, forcing him to watch it play out.

When the haze of pleasure passed, his hand went to her belly where his child grew.

“Run away with me tonight. Let’s go get married,” he said. “I want to marry you. NOW. Today.”

Her heart hitched.


He stopped her.

“I’m not afraid anymore. I know what’s right. They can do this without us, Storm. Let’s go. I have some money, and we can use a break. I want to start our life exclusive of killing. It may have brought us together, but I need more.”

Oh, the irony.

She did too.

“Okay, Gamble. Let’s elope.”

“Really?” he asked.

“I want to be your wife. I want our child to have both of us and that life. I can’t promise you it’s a girl, but I can promise you that you will be an amazing father.”

That was all he needed.

“When the team gets back to check-in, we’ll tell them, and then we’ll go.”

Her heart skipped.

“I’ll love you forever.”

He held her in his arms.

“I’ll do the same, my sweet Storm.”

He could hear his own tears.

The sobs.

He could hear the pain in his whimpers for her.

The dream wavered, and that was when Gamble knew that reality was all coming back in one wave of terror. He knew what would be next.

In Purgatory, there was only one thing.


That was when he saw Storm again, but how she had been. Not the living breathing woman in the dream, but the broken one.

The one who had laid there dead for two days until he got home to them.

She was dead on their bathroom floor in a puddle of her own blood and brains.
