Page 45 of Next in Line

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“Are you okay?” Sienna asked when Jensen came to stand next to her. His eyes were darting around the room and his usually composed demeanor was in shambles, making him look like a wreck.

“I haven’t seen them in years,” he said, getting the closest to admitting just how anxious he was.

“I’m sure it will be okay,” she told him and squeezed his hand.

Jensen gave her a small smile, but then his head jerked toward the door as the bell rang. His body jaw clenched, but he pulled himself to his full length, trying to appear calm. The guests let themselves in and soon enough they swarmed Jensen, shaking his hand or giving him hugs.

After the initial shock, Jensen relaxed, and a genuine smile appeared on his lips. He allowed himself to be led away and was soon seen with a drink in hand, exchanging stories. He looked like a normal guy who for once didn’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Sienna shook a few hands herself and even though people tried to talk to her, it was clear that they came because of Jensen. They hadn’t seen him in years and wanted to catch up with him. Sienna didn’t mind standing on the side, perfectly content observing him.

In another life, they might’ve been together, attending some barbecue party and spending days catching up with friends or watching football, instead of trying to recruit allies and plan for war. The thought of someday having something normal and possibly kids of her own was intriguing, but Sienna couldn’t see it on the horizon.

With a drink in hand, she leaned against the doorframe and quietly watched this never-before-seen version of Jensen. He was smiling and joking. His body was relaxed, and his usually dark blue eyes seemed to shine with light. He looked at peace and for the first time, Sienna wished that they wouldn’t need to return. They could be happy here. Maybe one day, or maybe never. Probably never. A life like that wasn’t in the cards for people like them.

“He wasn’t always like that, you know?”

Sienna jumped at Riley’s voice. She was too busy watching Jensen that she didn’t notice his approach.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, giving her an apologetic smile.

“It’s my fault. I should’ve been more conscious of my surroundings.”

Riley’s eyes darkened. “You’re safe here. No one will harm you.”

Sienna gave him a weak smile.

“Look around,” he said, then put his arm on her hip to turn her as he was speaking. “Those aren’t just smoke detectors but also motion ones. There are cameras outside the house and there’s always someone watching them. It’s impossible to get to the house without at least five people knowing. I also get a notification on my phone for any unauthorized movement. You’re as safe as technology can make you be, but then also there are people paid to protect you around. For example, the house next door is for our security company. If they see something they don’t like, they’ll be here in ten seconds tops.”

“I didn’t know that,” Sienna said, a part of her relaxing. She didn’t expect the Remingtons to come running in, but she had to admit that this was the first place that at least at first sight wasn’t guarded.

Riley brought her a new drink and invited her to sit next to him on the opposite side of the room from where Jensen was. She figured she could use the opportunity to find out more about the Carrington heir.

“What was he like?” she asked Riley, making herself comfortable on the sofa.

“He used to be the biggest rule breaker and a party person,” Riley replied with the corners of his mouth curling up.

“Jensen, a rebel? I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true, but after the accident, everything changed. He changed,” he told her with a somber voice. His expression was a mix of darkness and pity.

“What accident?” Sienna asked, unable to hide her surprise at the new information.

Riley shook his head. “It’s not my story to tell.”

Sienna put her hand on his and looked into his warm brown eyes. “Please,” she pleaded. “It would help me understand him.”

“Don’t give up on him. He’s the best guy there is. Take care of him because he deserves to be happy. He’s been through too much shit and on top of it all, he has to deal with the new status of his family. Being heir sucks,” Riley said, speaking from experience.

“What about the accident?” Sienna gently prodded.

With a glance at his friend and then back at her, Riley let out a sigh and Sienna knew she had him. Her hand still on Riley’s, she braced herself to hear the story that caused such a drastic shift in Jensen.

“Jensen was in a relationship with one of the best girls anyone will ever meet. Haley had it all. She was popular, beautiful, kind, funny, and loyal. She was everything a guy would want in a girl. I don’t know what she saw in Jensen, though. Maybe she wanted to experience a bit of the wild side before settling down. It doesn’t matter because their little fun soon turned into a relationship that lasted almost three years. Then the accident happened…” Riley trailed off, his voice was sad and his eyes blurry.

Sienna gave his hand a small encouraging squeeze. She had some ideas about what could’ve happened, but still wanted to hear the real story. Riley took a deep breath to compose himself, then gave her a smile that was a weak attempt at appearing nonchalant.

“We were at a party. There were so many that I don’t even know which one it was. We weren’t strangers to drunk driving. At that age you think you’re invincible and even brag to your buddies that you’re a better driver when drunk. What a fucking load of bullshit,” Riley said with barely suppressed anger. “Haley and Jensen decided to go home, but they never arrived. They got into a horrible accident.”
