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"Sounds like trouble."

She'd apparently heard the alarm in Creeper's tone, too. "Probably," I agreed. I turned her toward the bathroom door and exited the room.

I could hear my brothers entering the clubhouse as I walked down the hallway. There was a lot of grumbling and muttering going on, and a commotion as they made their way to church. The fact that it wasn't just the officers who had been summoned wasn't lost on me. Seemed that every brother who was there at the barbecue was entering the room, including members of Trip's club. Since he was already sitting in my chair, I found a spot against the wall next to Snake, crossed my arms, and waited.

Snake leaned over and said out of the corner of his mouth, "You finally get a piece of your nurse's pussy?"

Snake's question hit me the wrong way, and I gritted my teeth to keep my cool. What went on between me and Harlow wasn't open for discussion. In that respect, I was different from my brothers who liked to brag about their conquests. I thought about the rites of passage I'd be expected to put Harlow through when I officially claimed her. It was something all my brothers had done in order for their women to be accepted as an old lady. I wondered if I should warn her about it in advance.

Snake mumbled something else, but ignoring him came easy when Demon brought down his gavel, gaining everyone's immediate attention. Suddenly you could have heard a pin drop, and all eyes were trained on him. When Demon turned a serious eye on you, he was a scary fucker, even with the Little Mermaid eyepatch. I knew that something serious was going on, because Trip looked just as intense.

"The women are pissed, but this couldn't wait." Demon’s smirk said it all. "You boys know how to make it up to them." That comment gained him some guffaws. He took a breath. "Just got intel Wild Bandits have been spotted down on the strip. So far they're keeping their noses clean, but those fuckers are here for a reason."

"You think they're here to pick up girls?"

Oz’s question was a valid one considering that it was common knowledge that the Wild Bandits dealt in sex trafficking. His eyes darted back and forth between Demon and Trip for the answer. These days, with three kids, he was more of a family man then club member, keeping the meetings’ minutes and the books, but he didn't shirk his duties or responsibilities when it mattered.

"The strip is ripe with runaways and prostitutes," Trip pointed out.

"I saw a kid down there panhandling the other day, couldn't have been more than fourteen." BF's voice was thick with disgust. He was Trip's enforcer, and a huge son-of-a-bitch. His full road name was Big Foot.

"She'd be easy pickings," TJ muttered beneath his breath.

It made me sick to think about what could happen to her and others like her. Wild Bandits didn't care about a girl’s age. Hell, they didn't even care if they were girls. Sick fucks. Why had they now all of a sudden come around?

"Look, between our two clubs we can handle the Bandits," Bull said confidently.

"Point is, we need to handle it now," LD groused in his trademark gravelly tone. "Get those fuckers out of our town and back to wherever they came from."

"I agree with LD." Murphy's chair squeaked when he stretched, leaning back too far. "It's bad enough they ambushed two of our shipments on the way to Cali. We lost a lot of money." Trip's scowl suggested that Murphy had said too much, but he let his VP continue. "We don't want them here."

"Do we know how many are here?" Cole questioned.

Demon shook his head. "A few. Bronx is the only one we can put a name to."


Sax's response just about summed up what we all were thinking at that moment. Bronx was a cold-blooded killer, rapist, child molester, and everything else horrible you could think of. Hell, he'd killed his own grandmother in a fit of rage over a fucking TV show when he'd been eleven, and had then spent the next twenty years in juvi and then prison. The fact that he was in town explained the urgent need for church. He was the enforcer for Wild Bandits, and a walking, ticking, time bomb. There was talk that he was insane and should have been put away a long time ago.

"Jesus H. Christ," Loco snarled. "The man's crazier than I am."

Loco was a lamb compared to Bronx. At least the things he did were for a good cause. Bronx lived for inflicting pain and death on his victims, and someone should have taken him out a long time ago. His status in his club just showed what kind of president they had.

"So what's the fucking plan?" Snake growled around a sucker he’d probably gotten from one of the kids. His tone said he was eager for action.

"There's only two ways we can approach this," Trip responded. "Either we go in hot and wipe them out and face retaliation from their club, or we figure out a way to deal with them so there's no blow back."

"We aren't pussies," one of his brothers snarled. "I vote we go in and wipe them out, show the rest of their MC we won't put up with them coming into our town without an invite."

Someone snorted, but no one said anything in response. It would take a lot more than killing a few Wild Bandits to scare the rest of them, and we didn't like killing unless it was absolutely necessary. It was messy and could cause a lot of problems.

A heavy sigh drew my eyes to Demon. "Don't want war with the Bandits, but don't want them traipsing through our territory with an agenda. Don't know if I want to wait to see what they're here for, either." He cut his glance toward LD, silently inviting him to offer his input.

LD shrugged his big shoulders. I knew what he was going to say before he said it. "I'd like to slit a few of their throats. They know the rules, and they’re ignoring them by just showing up. But we issue a warning first." He met Trip's silent scrutiny. "Unless you want to deal with them in another way. Your club is the one they've been messing with."

It was true. We hadn't had trouble with them for years.

Trip was silent for a minute as he thought it over. It was times like now that I knew I would never want to be president, because whatever decision he made, someone was not going to be happy. "I agree with LD for now."
